Part 18 - UPDATES on Sequel

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UPDATES - on the sequel - A Place to Hide

I had started on Branden's diary, and had a few readers of this chapter, no votes or comments - so, on thinking this over, and listening to readers of this story, they want a SEQUEL, which I began a few years ago. It has one or two chapters already. So, I will be writing this instead of the diary which I have deleted.

UPDATES on the progress of this sequel will be posted here - and as to when it will come 'live' as a separated book - it will be named, "A PLACE TO HIDE" - this is the place Branden hides his diary - and it has to be left there when he is forced to leave the palace and go into hiding.

Will there be a safe place for Branden to hide?

Should he have submitted to his father's demands to give up his 'religion' and to become a 'clone' of his father, King Branden of Brandenberg? - these are the questions that will be answered in A Place to Hide.

Blade and Felicia will have a part in this sequel, as well as Bethleona, and others.

Marcie even comes before King Branden, claiming that she is the real mother of the 'Boy' and that he is a fake... yes, duh!

UPDATE on 21st August 2017 - I am working offline on the sequel - "A Place to Hide" - it will be slow and I don't want to begin posting it until I have several chapters done and can see my way clear to finish it. In the meantime, I will be working on finishing 'The Princess and the Pauper' which needs to have 4 or more chapters to finish. I find FINISHING is always more difficult than beginning which is so easy lol.

UPDATE - 28th December 2018 - yes, it's been well over a year - and what a year... health troubles, tests with visits to specialists and in June this year, surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, the first, under general anesthetic was exploratory and second to actually remove it. It is believed that 'they got it all'. The specialist told me it would be six months to recover and he's been right. I have an appointment on January 22nd, 2019, a post-surgery checkup.

Hopefully, (and I'm praying), 2019 will be a year to do better by writing and finishing more.

Update - 2021 - I'm needing encouragement to know whether a sequel is truly wanted or not?

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