Chapter 11 - To the King's Palace

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Chapter 11 - To the King's Palace ©2018CarolynAnnAish 

The next hour moved slowly for the couple in the small room. To Felicia's surprise, a Blue Guard brought hot food and more milk. He told her if she required anything else, she had only to ask. The thankful mother felt sure he had a wife and children of his own and knew what she was feeling. Between them, Blade and Felicia made good of the food, it was delicious and plenteous.

Constable Wagner himself escorted the couple from the Assizes, down the steps, commanding them to climb on a waiting horse-drawn cart. Blue Guards stood shoulder-to-shoulder across the road, securing the area off from the public. Blade climbed up first and reached to help Felicia. The Constable tossed a coarse blanket at them and said, "You might need this; it will likely be midnight before we arrive at the capital." One of the guards hoisted their haversacks and bag on the back, locked the back board into place, and the cart moved off. Mounted Blue Guards followed the cart and Blade knew horsemen would be riding in front.

His mind reeling with the new course of his life and now this unplanned journey to the capital, Blade settled down with his arm around Felicia who snuggled close to him. Here he was, responsible for a wife and child, having lived irresponsibly with his own life and careless of the lives of others. Always looking for opportunities to commit crime with the prospect of gaining money to spend on drinking and gambling.

Completely fulfilling, was this drastic change, Blade knew he would never want to be the man he had been previously. Deep down, Blade knew this life was what he had always dreamed about; to be a responsible citizen and to make decisions that counted for others rather than just for himself. It had seemed so impossible, he had walked opposite paths, to seek pleasure and enough drink to drive loneliness, conscience and conviction away.

I love Felicia,he told himself, and she loves me. It's a perfect feeling; to love and be loved. God, you love me, too; I feel it; and you've accepted me like I was. You've changed me ... forgiven me like the book promised. He felt tears burning in the back of his eyes and allowed them to spill out down his cheeks. No one will know how I feel; no one can see; I feel so good, I'm weeping like the bereaved. I must be good now, God will want that. I can't be like I was, not ever again. Please, God, help me find the right way...

By the time the cart jogged into Brandenburg, the couple slept soundly. Landric was awake, but quiet in his mother's arms, covered by the course woolen rug.

The different sound of smooth cobblestones under the cartwheels, woke Felicia. "We must be there," she murmured, experiencing a flood of nervousness. The baby, hearing her voice, gave a falsified cry and was soon satisfied as she tended him. "Oh, look, Gathius, do look!"

Blade sat up to see walls and arches lit by flaming lights, spaced with precision; towers, and tall stone buildings seemed to line the way with the river on the other side, dancing with reflected lights.

The cartwheels finally ceased to spin, and they were ordered to climb down.

Constable Wagner led the way, up stone steps, through guarded doors, along a corridor and into a small, well-furnished office-like chamber. A man sat at one of two desks and the Constable placed a satchel before him.

"You are Felicia," the imposing figure spoke as he stood to eye the couple, adding, "and you must be Gathius. I am Lord Leonard, Mayor of the Palace. You may sit."

Constable Wagner remained in the room while Lord Leonard questioned their captives. The Constable had strange vibes regarding the young man who called himself 'Gathius.' They had received correspondence from the alleged father in Wittenburg, Gaston, a shoemaker; the man wrote that his son was wayward and he had not seen him for over two years.

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