chapter 44

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Hey friends, I know I am late.... I know you might have complaints... but please spare with my delays for this one month as I have semester exams going on.... I try to give more updates from next month. Thank you😍😍😍


AR office:

Khushi entered the office and was moving towards her cubicle with the thoughts of Arnav and the dream she had.

'No Khushi... Don't think much. Just yesterday, you had found out that.... Laad Governor too had a heart and what you saw in that dream was just a side effect of that.... Ha... That's it....That's it....', Khushi said to please herself.

Khushi was walking, biting the tip of her finger..... and thinking and reasoning at the same time. She bumped into someone. She rubbed her forehead with an irritated expression saying 'Devi Maiya'.

'Thum theek ho?' were the next set of words she could hear. ('Are you alright?' were the next set of words she could hear)

It was the same voice and how could she not recognize... She lifted her head in the direction of the voice and as expected it was him.... Arnav Singh Raizada. Khushi gulped seeing him in front of her while the same dream was playing in her mind.

Khushi (stammering between): Ha.... Haaa hum theek hein (yeah I am fine)

Arnav(raising an eyebrow): Are you sure??

Khushi: yeah... I am sure... Why would I be not fine?? I am fine... (It seemed as if Khushi was telling that to herself)

Arnav(nodding his head): Ok.... Be in my cabin with a coffee.

Khushi nodded her head and Arnav moved towards his cabin.


Outside, there was someone standing in front of the office with a cloth covering over his face. He was only observing the office with deadly looks and making some evil plans in his own brain. His evilness could be clearly seen in his eyes. He then, walked away from the place.


Arnav's cabin:

Khushi entered his cabin with a coffee mug and placed it on the table.

Khushi: Arnavji, your coffee... (She reminded)

Arnav didn't respond. So, Khushi thought of calling him again.

Khushi: Arnavji.....

'Wait', Arnav said sternly. In fact, it was more like a shout. 'Wait...wait.... He shouted on me again....', Khushi thought, 'why couldn't he be a stable man...? Just a few minutes ago he was speaking nicely to her and now he was shouting on her again.... What type of a man he is??? She could even understand a complex problem in her disinterested subject but not this man..'. Khushi was tangled in her own thoughts when Arnav opened his mouth again.

Pyaar ka rastha...nafrath se shuruvath(completed)(hatred to love: a flip) Where stories live. Discover now