chapter 86

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'No Bapuji... I don't want to get married...', Khushi replied shocking all of them present in the hall... Especially Arnav... Only Garima knew why her daughter made that decision...

Without hearing to any other word, Khushi got up from there and moved to her room... Arnav gritted his teeth, hearing her reply... He too got up from his seat...

Arnav(to Shashi): Uncle, I should talk with Khushi, for once...

Shashi just nodded his head slowly and Arnav rushed into Khushi's room... He strode towards Khushi and made her get up while gripping her shoulders tightly...

Arnav: What the hell, Khushi... You don't want to get married?

Khushi: Arnavji, I have said my decision infront of everyone and that's final... I don't want to get married now...

Arnav: Khushi, don't test my patience... tell me what happened to you suddenly... Why are you behaving like this... ? (he asked still holding her shoulders tightly)

Khushi shrugged off his arms and started speaking...

Khushi: nothing has happened, Arnavji... I just realized that I don't want to get married... So, leave me in peace and please leave my room now...

Arnav's anger raised hearing her words... He moved dangerously close to her face...

Arnav: so, you wanted me to leave you, right...

Khushi turned her gaze to the corner of the room... Though she tried to control her tears from rolling down, it didn't happen... tears started rolling down her cheeks...

Arnav: okay fine...

Just saying that two words, he left her room... As soon as he left, Khushi collapsed on the floor and started crying badly... Why Devi Maiya wanted to test her love?? Why could she not just bless her to lead a happy life with her Arnavji... Why??


Arnav stormed out of Khushi's room in anger...

Arnav: Di... Nani... Let's go to our home...

Anjali(tensed tone): but Chotte...

Arnav(cutting her off): I will wait outside...

Saying that, he left... All the Raizada family members were disappointed... Payal was confused... Why did Khushi refuse to this proposal? As far as she knew, Khushi loved Arnav... She saw how her sister blushed when she teased her on the name of Arnav as her husband... there was something really fishy and she need to find it out...

All the Raizada family members along with Anjali and Shyam got up from their seats... They bid a final bye to the Guptas... Shashi felt sorry for them... Payal informed Akash that she wanted to stay there for a while and he instantly agreed... Except Payal, all others left...

Buaji: hey re Nandakisore... What happened to this Sankadevi... When she likes Arnav babua, why does she even reject this marriage proposal??

Shashi: I will talk to Chameli...

Saying that, Shashi was about to get up when Garima entered, stopping him...

Garima: Shashiji, one minute...

Everyone looked at Garima who had tears in her eyes...

Garima: before you talk with Khushi, I need to tell you something...

Shashi: what happened, Garimaji... and why are you looking so tensed...?

Garima: Yesterday, I took Khushi to a priest who could predict future...

Pyaar ka rastha...nafrath se shuruvath(completed)(hatred to love: a flip) Where stories live. Discover now