Part 4

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We were pulled from the van and pushed up a set of stairs, we heard some talking and a door open, then were pushed into what I assumed was a building

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We were pulled from the van and pushed up a set of stairs, we heard some talking and a door open, then were pushed into what I assumed was a building. The bags were ripped off our heads and we looked around in amazement. We were in a large hall, er, a church. Large symbols were painted on the walls. Pews lined either side and a couple people were scattered around, some sitting in the pews and praying while others just wandered aimlessly. The place was clean and a stage was in the front, it was beautiful. 

Our duffel bags were dropped down next to us and the girl and the guy, previously titled as Isaac, walked up next to them. They both were smiling. The third guy, John, was last to show up, he ran up with a walkie-talkie. A static-laden voice came through and said something unintelligible. 

"Y-yeah, we're in the hall. J-just need you to get their weapons, then it's off to second-in-command."

"I am second-in-command." The voice replied angrily. The voice sounded a bit familiar to me, I just couldn't remember why.

"M-my bad! You're also the weapon's person, too, though, so I get c-confused!"

"Oh, give me that." The girl complained, snatching the walkie-talkie from John. "Hey Pat, it's Kilee. I just got back from a mission with John and Isaac, you're gonna want to see this."

"Alright fine, but not for long. I have work to do."

The girl, Kilee, smiled and threw the device back to John. He just barely caught it and shoved it in his pocket. Isaac stood emotionless, watching their actions like they were ants. A door opened at the back of the hall, by the stage, and a tall girl with dirty-blond hair and a long purplish dress stepped out. Her heels clicked on the tile as she walked up to us. She smiled sweetly and stopped in front of Dean. Her eyes flicked black, then went back to their blue-green color, Dean jumped back in surprise.

"Don't be afraid of me, I'm nice." She said softly, examining Dean's face.

"You're a demon, I'm not afraid, I just want to kill you."

She frowned and slapped him across the face. "You'd imagine a renowned hunter would be a little nicer to a lady." 

"Miss Sara! Hello, you like the new bait?" Kilee asked. The demon, Sara, smiled again. 

"Yeah. They're pretty. Especially this one." She poked Dean's nose.

"No offense, but I'm not on the market anymore." Dean said. 

"So some lucky girl already stole your heart?" Sara's eyes widened some.

"U-uh..." He licked his lips and glanced at me quickly. Sara caught it and looked at me. I waved the best I could with my wrists tied together and gave her an awkward smile.

"Oh, you don't swing my way."

"Well, not exactly."

"You like angels more than demons."

Dean furrowed his brows, he obviously thought she meant something else. I pulled my wings closer to me, but she stepped over to me and looked at them. She grabbed one of them suddenly and pulled it out to the side, I gasped, surprised. My wings have always been touchy and her grip was not gentle. She poked at the black and red feathers and then pulled one out. I cried out in pain and pulled my wings back. She admired the large feather, then tossed it to the side carelessly. 

"John, make something useful out of that feather, will you?"

"O-of course, Sara." He said, bending down to pick it up.

"What was that?" She spat, turning to him suddenly.

"M-Miss Sara! I'm so sorr-ry!" He grabbed the feather and ran off, disappearing through the door Sara came in through. She smiled and shrugged some, then followed him. Kilee sighed.

"John is not prepared for the hunters life, yet he can't leave it. He may have only been one for a month, but it's too late."

"Were any of us prepared when we started, though? Many of us have been thrown in on a whim." I said quietly.

"You aren't wrong, Novak." Kilee said. She frowned and looked at Isaac. "We have things to do, Isaac. Let's go. And Winchester's and Novak, stay here. No harm comes to anyone under La Jefe's roof." 

"I still don't know who Jefe is." Dean complained as Kilee and Isaac left the room. 

"I assume she's some kind of leader in this place." Sam replied.

"But what is this place?" I whimpered, rubbing the spot on my wing where the feather was ripped out.

"It looks like a church." Sam scratched the back of his neck, which was bending his other arm weirdly. 

"No crap, Sammy. Also, can we get these damn ropes off?" Dean struggled and pulled at the rope.

"It's laced with..." My eyes widened. "This rope is made with bits of iron and salt. This is definitely hunter-level rope."

"Oh lovely, so the hunters are hunters? What a surprise." Dean retorted sarcastically.

"Don't use that tone with me."

"Can't you just use your angel powers and rip the rope or something? Why aren't we free yet?" Dean was fuming, he really needed to get control over his anger issues.

"Have you looked around, Dean? These symbols on the walls, they take away strength from supernatural creatures. It's stuff that stops demons and angels from teleporting or flying or using any powers. I'm useless in here, I'm basically a human now!"

"So, no healing or super strength?" Sam asked. I nodded sadly.

"Nothing. I'm probably weaker than you two, now, also."

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yelled, kicking over a small tray with a vase on top. It fell over and the vase shattered on the floor, the already-wilting flowers in it skidded across the floor and landed at the feet of a person who was praying. They looked up at Dean and whimpered, then ran off. 

"What a shame, I really loved that vase. The orchids looked lovely in it." Said an oddly familiar voice from behind us. I spun around and gasped.


The person's eyes widened. "Cas!?"

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