Part 22

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Hi so before this chapter starts, I wanna share something

i know the picture is sideways sorry but this story has good ratings! it has a higher rating than Colors, which i find funny considering sequels have a running gag of being worse than the first story, but wow i actually did something yayyyy and no...

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i know the picture is sideways sorry but this story has good ratings! it has a higher rating than Colors, which i find funny considering sequels have a running gag of being worse than the first story, but wow i actually did something yayyyy and now i want to put even more time and work into this story because i want the ratings to be higher... that sounds pretentious... i just mean that i want the story to be better and for more people to see it and enjoy it. and im trying to work on a happy ending (im currently stuck between two different ones, so i might write both) but dont worry, this story wont end for a while. its me babay so now that ive ranted about a damn good rating, heres the chapter (also its a bit shorter cuz i wanted to get it out but i cant focus cuz holy shiteballs im way to excited about a number)

"Trees, trees, more friggin' trees!" Patricia yelled angrily, throwing a knife at one of the many trees. I rolled my eyes and sighed as the blade lodged itself in the trunk.

"There's been a few bushes, too, ya'know?" I joked, Kristyn and I laughed but Patricia just scowled.

"Agh! I hate nature!" She threw herself against a tree and pulled her knife out as she slid to the ground. She put it back in the holster on her belt and sighed. "Stupid trees and bushes and leaves and I hate it all."

A breeze blew by and Kristyn frowned. She looked around wearily and took a couple of steps backwards. "Hm... This all is so..."

"Stupid?" Patricia butted in, clearly upset.

"No... Grey. Everything is so weirdly grey." Kristyn let out a deep breath. "It... Something's not right."

Patricia rolled her eyes. "No duh, this is Purgatory-- not earth." 

"I think she's being serious, something is going on. Something... Not natural?" I chimed in. Something did feel off to me, too. Kristyn's eyes widened and her wings tucked closer to her, she reached down and patted the chainsaw on her belt.

"Guys, stay absolutely still and silent. I don't believe that we're not alone." Kristyn said very quietly, I almost didn't hear her, and she put her hand in the air to emphasize our silence. She slowly lifted her other hand to grab her shotgun. As she went to close her hand around it, something suddenly swooped down and grabbed her by the wings. Kristyn was dragged away with a muffled fit of screams and a weak attempt at fighting, but was gone in the blink of an eye. The only hint that she was ever even there in the first place was the few feathers that slowly drifted to the forest floor. They hit the bed of dead leaves and snapped twigs and I glanced at Patricia. We both sat there, slack-jawed and eyes wide. 

"Kristyn?" I mumbled. Panic set in and I looked around frantically. "Kristyn!? Kristyn!" I screamed her name and ran around a couple of trees while doing it, trying desperately to find her.

Patricia caught up with me and grabbed my shirt, she threw a hand over my mouth to shut me up and stared me down with anger in her eyes. "Castiel Novak, I swear to Sam if you keep screaming I will rip out your vocal chords and you'll never scream again. Something is out here and we need to be dead silent. We don't want to die."

"You don't, at least." I muttered as Patricia backed off and started to look around. She frowned-- I assume she heard me-- and growled lowly. "Don't growl at me, you mutt." I said sarcastically.

Patricia furrowed her brows. "I didn't... Growl..." She turned to me and her eyes went wide. I rolled my eyes.

"What is it, Patricia? Is there a big scary doggy behind me?" I joked. She nodded slowly, my face fell. She had to be kidding.  I turned around and was face to face with a large dog. He looked like a pitbull, but bloody and with glowing white eyes. He growled again, I couldn't move. I was frozen, my feet were planted in the leaves and my eyes locked on the creature. 

"Duck down!" Yelled a sudden voice. Patricia ran up and tackled me since I couldn't move-- and just in time, too. A girl swung down on a rope, crafted out of vines that had been bound together, and rammed a large, spiked stick into the dog's left eye. He roared and jumped back, throwing a paw over his wound. The girl jumped down and rammed a large knife into his skull with a sickening crunch. The dog let out a high-pitched whine and collapsed to the ground. The girl pulled the knife out and jumped down to our level. She was short and had long blond hair. 

"Hello." I said, holding out a hand to shake. She sighed and looked at me, then Patricia.

"Who are you two?" She asked. She held her knife up as if we were going to attack her.

"That's my friend, Patricia, and I'm Castiel." I replied.

"Castiel? Castiel Novak?" She furrowed her brows.


She frowned. "Come with me." She turned and started walking. I glanced at Patricia, who just shrugged, and we followed behind her. Time to find out who this weirdo is and possibly what happened to Kristyn.

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