Part 16

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In the morning, without a second word, we all headed out again

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In the morning, without a second word, we all headed out again. Lucifer was crammed into the van with me and the others. Cas took the wheel today, Lucifer sat in front with him. Alex and Sara sat next to each other, she frowned at having to sit in the demon trap again. Alex had bought a few bags of peanuts to last the fourteen hour road trip, which he shared with the demon. Me and Gabriel sat in the back of the van, sitting comfortably together. He leaned against me and immediately fell asleep. I had my arm around his waist, his head was on my shoulder, my chin rested on top of his head. I didn't even care that Lucifer and Sara kept staring at us. I soon passed out, leaning back with Gabriel laying on top of me at this point. 

When I woke up, we were halfway done with driving. Lucifer, Alex, and Gabriel were asleep. Don't Stop Believing by Journey played quietly on the radio, Cas hummed along. Sara lazily tossed peanuts into the air and caught them in her mouth. She looked to me and frowned.

"Hello La Jefe." She said.

"You can just call me Kristyn, you know that right?"

"I try to be nice once, and this is what I get." She complained. She had sloppily reattached the skirt to her outfit, but it was ripped and revealed the pants hidden under it. And the weapons she had. 

"Oh shut it, you're a bitch and even you know it."

"It's on purpose, all a part of the show."

"Show?" I frowned in confusion.

"Yes, we're all a show for him, for God. And when he falls, like all of his angels end up doing, Crowley will take over. He will make all of you angel assholes suffer, and all humans will die."

I wrapped my wings around Gabriel defensively. "God won't fall."

"Oh, he will." Sara eyes widened as she excitedly spoke. "He will fall, and harder than any angel or archangel. His collapsing will cause earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes. All angels and demons will run free and the apocalypse will start. It's already starting, La Jefe. The beginning of the end. And no one can stop it-- not you, not your brother, not the Winchester's. No one can. You're all gonna die and we're gonna laugh and dance on your graves. Crowley will be the new god, he will bring us anarchy and rage and it will end in our eternal peace. We will win."

I frowned and hugged Gabriel closer. He whimpered slightly and I looked down, he had woken up and was listening to Sara. He stared up at me with wide, frightened eyes. He held on tightly to my shirt, I hid him from Sara with my wings. She laughed evilly, manically. 

"Is God really gonna fall? Are we all going to die?" Gabriel whispered.

"No. He won't, he can't."

"He will! He's going to fall from his throne in Heaven and all of Heaven's soldiers will die trying to bring him back!" Sara slammed her fists against the invisible wall created by the demon trap. "The angels will die! The humans will be killed! The demons will rise! We will take over all four levels! Hell, Earth, Heaven, and Purgatory. All of it will belong to Crowley."

Gabriel whimpered again and hugged me tighter, he cried softly. The van suddenly pulled to a stop and Cas turned around sharply, aiming a gun at Sara. His eyes were filled with anger and the veins in his arms stuck out from how tightly he gripped the gun. 

"One more damn word, I dare you." He growled at the demon. She smiled.

"Go ahead, shoot me. I am not an asset of Crowley's, I'm totally expendable. I just spread the word. I help break seals."

"Seals? You're breaking seals!?" Cas yelled, Gabriel flinched. 

"Of course, how else do we open the true gates of hell and let Crowley walk free, along with all demons?"

"You don't know what you're doing." He said.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. And I also know that the boss downstairs isn't too happy that you stole something of his." Sara pointed at my wings, no, the person hidden behind them. She stared into my eyes, hers turned red and her evil grin grew wider. "And he's sending out a lot of henchmen to get him back. I've already sent a message to them, they're coming for you and you're precious little boyfriend."

The van doors opened up and Dean and Sam stood there. They scowled and Dean grabbed a length of rope from his belt. "Thanks for not killing her, Cas." Dean joked. 

Sam took the rope and tied Sara's hands together. She frowned and Sam broke the demon trap, he dragged her from the van and held her by the arms. 

"How did you guys know she was acting weird?" I asked as I got out. Gabriel held onto my wing, keeping it wrapped around him as he buried himself in my side. Alex and the others all woke up and got out of the van, the same for the Impala-- excluding Patricia, who was still unconscious.

"Cas texted me." Dean responded. Cas nodded and leaned against him, Dean slung his arm around the angel's shoulders. "Anyways, we're at the bunker."

I looked around, we were in the middle of a field. It was filled with old, mostly gutted out cars and a lone building sat in the middle. "This is the bunker? An abandoned auto shop?"

"It ain't abandoned." Said a gruff voice. I spun and saw an older man walking up to us, he came from the building. He had a shotgun in one hand and his hat blocked the sun from his eyes. "Me and the boys live here, we mainly stick around in the bunker part of this place, though."

"So, this isn't the bunker?"

"It's about fifty feet below us." He said.

Cas and the Winchester's walked up to him. Cas turned to me and the others. "Everyone, meet Bobby Singer. He's our friend, practically family."

I stepped up and held out a hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kristyn Novak, Castiel's sister."

"Hi, glad to meet you. I'm Bobby Singer, a paranoid bastard."

Everyone introduced themselves and then we went into the house. Sam grabbed Patricia first, of course. The house was, well, homey, even though countless weapons hung on the walls. Bobby led us to the basement and we went down the steps, then down a different set of stairs a few feet away, and found ourselves in the bunker. It was nice, filled with shelves of books and tables. There was a kitchen, and down a hallway led to multiple bedrooms. Bobby, Sam, Dean, and Cas all already had a room; so everyone else got to claim one of their own. Gabriel wanted to stick in a room with me, so I let him. Kilee and Isaac decided to share a room. Lucifer, Alex, and Patricia all got a separate room. We agreed on keeping Patricia in Sam's room, though, just until she woke up. 

After the tour and us all unpacking our stuff, we sat down in the main room of the bunker, a large living room. A small fireplace was off to the side and it was surrounded by couches, chairs, and a table in the center. We all enjoyed a night of relaxation, having drinks and laughing. Afterwards, we all went to bed. Gabriel, like normal, cuddled into my side, and I let out a long sigh. The room was nice. A comfy bed, a connected bathroom, lots of space, it was all clean and lovely. 

And it wasn't long before I fell asleep.

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