Part 31 - One Day

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God? Are you there? Is anyone there?  I need you, I need someone, anyone. It's crazy to think that I know about this, I don't even know how I know this stuff. It just came to me. But I guess you should know it, too. So, well, everyone's dead, except me. Why am I not dead? I don't know... 

But, they're all gone. Dean went loco and killed everyone in the bunker-- I guess purgatory screwed him up pretty bad-- but, luckily, me and the only person I trust at this point had already gotten the hell out of there. Cas died first, stabbed by his own lover. Then everyone else was picked off, one by one. Then no one was left. Dean took the Impala and chased us down. He showed up and... They died in the process. Dammit, why couldn't I have died!? I only have one day left anyways, not even that. Merely a few hours, then I'll be just like the others. Dead as a doornail. 

Dean busted into our hotel room, he had an angel blade. He stabbed both of us, but somehow I survived. I grabbed my gun and shot Dean. The gun shot and everything attracted people pretty quick, and seeing two dead people and me standing with a gun led people to think some pretty horrid things pretty fast. They aren't entirely wrong with their thoughts. The police showed up, I couldn't escape. Too many people had gathered around and had me trapped in the room and when the cops arrived, they arrested me immediately. Now I'm sitting in this jail cell. Ha, just wait until they find my dead body in the morning. 

It was pretty difficult, having to sit and watch him die. The only person I've loved. Killed by someone I thought I could trust. Then I had to kill him. I have no one. But now my time is ticking, I only have about ten minutes at the most. So I'll try to end this soon. But just know, that when you-- whatever and whoever you are-- fall, I'm not gonna catch you. You deserve to fall from grace, god, you've let horrible things happen and there is no excuse. And if I meet you? You better bet your sorry ass that you won't.

I heard a crash in the alleyway behind the police station and opened my eyes. My small cell window led straight outside to the crashing. I sighed, it was my time. The police officer glanced over, raising an eyebrow as the crashing continued. He thought it was probably some kids, just teens causing trouble. I smiled. He noticed.

"What you smilin' for?" He asked. 

"You'll see." I replied, my grin growing wider.

The crashing got closer and louder, barking could be heard, too. The officer stood up, trying to look out into the alley through my window some, but to no avail. Not that he would be able to see the hell hounds with his human eyes anyways. It got closer and I heard scraping at the wall, something was trying to get in. The officer suddenly cried out and jumped away, staring at something next to me. I looked over, a man with black hair and green eyes sat next to me. His grey wings hung lowly behind him. He looked at me, smiled and snapped. The crashing and barking stopped. 

"Heaven needs you, Kristyn Novak." He said. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm on hell's hit-list so unless you want some demons mixed in with your marble angel statues, then I'll stay here. Thanks for the offer, though."

"This isn't a choice, Kristyn. This is the fate of the world. Crowley is already rising, and God is already falling. We need you."

"Why, so you can collect 'em all?" I retorted. "I'm not a trading card for whatever games you play up there."

The officer tried to run up to the cell, but the man snapped and the officer disappeared. The angel turned back to me. He let out a long breath and looked out from between the bars, then turned back to me.

"I don't want to take you by force, but if I have to-"

"You don't have to do anything."

"I am a soldier of Heaven, I don't have the same freedoms as you. I follow God's orders, down to every last detail."

"Did God command for all of my friends to be killed? For my brother?" I spat.

"They didn't deserve to die, but it happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason."

I chuckled. "Yeah, like I haven't heard that before. What is the reason? So you dicks up in Heaven can laugh as I go insane and rot in this jail cell?"

"Kristyn. That is not the reason. Just come with me, stop making things difficult."

"Just leave me alone, stop making things difficult."

The man frowned and sighed. "I didn't want to do this, I'm truly sorry."

He reached out and tried to touch my forehead, but I moved out of reach and stood up. He followed suit and walked towards me.

"Piss off, already. I'm not up for your game."

"Kristyn." He paused and I slowly turned to him. He was looking at the ground, a tear rolling down his cheek. "How do you not remember me?" He whispered, I barely caught what he said. 

"Remember?" I inspected him face. Then it hit me. "M-Michael?"

He smiled sadly. "So you do remember me?"

I scowled. "We didn't exactly part on good terms, Mic."

"I know, Kris. But we can make amends later. First, you need to save the world."

Suddenly, the barking and crashing started up again. Michael glanced at the window and narrowed his eyes.

"We need to go now. If I fight off the hell hounds again, I won't have the strength to get back to Heaven."

I nodded. "Then let's go."

He smiled. "They'll be happy to see you, let's go save the world."

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