Part 29 - Ten Days

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I raced back home. Goddammit, why did I agree to that!? Why would I agree to her deal!? I had to find a way to get out of it. I reached the bunker and jumped off my motorcycle, racing inside. I ran straight to my room, and saw Gabriel laying on the bed. He was still asleep. 

Of course.

Why would Sara hold up her end of the deal? She's a dirty, cheating, lying demon. I should've killed her. 

I turned and grabbed a vase off the table by the door, it had some wilting roses in it, and I smashed it into the wall. It crashed loudly, and the shattered pieces fell to the floor. I heard a shuffling and spun around, I let out a sigh of relief and ran to the bed.

Gabriel sat up and blinked some. He looked at me and I smiled, pulling him into a tight hug. He hugged me back. I let go and looked at him. "Gabriel, are you okay? Do you feel okay?"

"I feel fine, but I'm hungry. Ugh... What happened?" 

"What... Happened?... What's the last thing you remember?"

Gabriel furrowed his brows. "Um... Some demons dragged me behind Bobby's house and beat me up, then brought me out in front of a bunch of people. Demons and you, everyone in the bunker and Sara. Sara... She cut my wings off and everything got fuzzy, my chest hurt and... That's it."

I sighed. "Gabriel... Sara killed you. But me and Cas and Patricia went to purgatory and brought you back. You acted differently, we did a spell to help you and you passed out. You've been asleep for three days."

"Oh..." He frowned and leaned into me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly, a tear rolled down my cheek. He looked at my wings and horns. "What happened to you?"

"You, Gabriel. Your death screwed me up pretty bad." His face fell, he gently touched my horns with wide eyes. "And you've changed, too. Purgatory gave you more wings, all gold and black."

Gabriel looked behind him, his six wings hung lowly on his back. His stomach growled and he flinched. "I'm hungry..." 

"We'll get you some food, then. Come on." I stood up and grabbed his hand. He cautiously stood, almost falling over. I wrapped one arm around his waist, he slung his arm over my shoulders. He leaned into me as we left the room and went into the kitchen. On the way, we ran into Jack and Castiel. 

"Kristyn." Cas exclaimed. He saw Gabriel and gasped. "Gabriel!? You're awake!"

Jack looked at the archangel with wide eyes. "It's nice to meet you, Gabriel."

Gabriel squinted his eyes. "Do I know you?"

I stepped in at this point. "Gabriel, this is Jack. Without him, we'd still be stuck in purgatory. He's been dying to meet you."

Jack nodded and smiled brightly. Gabriel grinned. "Hi, Jack." His stomach growled again and he frowned.

"I need to get him some food. Bye guys." I said. Jack happily walked off but Cas followed us into the kitchen. Gabriel sat on one of the stools at the counter as I threw some bread into the toaster on the other side of the kitchen. Cas leaned against the counter next to me. He watched me wearily. The bread cooked quickly and I threw some butter on it and handed it to Gabriel. 

"Gabriel, can you eat that in the living room?" Cas asked. "I need to talk to Kristyn in private."

He frowned and nodded, then hopped off the stool and left. My brother turned to me and squinted his eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

"You okay, Cas?"

"What did you do?" He demanded.

"Wh-what? What do you mean?" I stumbled over my words and took a small step back, away from him.

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