Don't Tell Them

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Lydia walked into the loft seeing everyone freaking out because she wasn't there. One sniffle from her and everyone looked up to see the tears running down her face. The feather in her pocket she took it out and held it in her hand and smiled at everyone.

"Lydia where have you been?! We've been worried sick! And why are you crying?!" Stiles yelled walking up to her but she stepped back and he stopped. "I'm sorry for yelling. We were just really worried about you since it's been an hour. What happened?" He asked she just looked down at the feather in her hand and smiled.

"I'm sorry I just... got distracted." She said wiping the tears from her face.

"Where were you? Did someone hurt you, Lydia? You can tell us." Scott said Lydia just looked up and smiled walking over to the couch and sat down next to Malia.

"I was talking to someone in the preserve. And no he didn't hurt me. If he did he would get in trouble." She said the last part quietly playing with the feather.

She ripped apart of it off and heard a piercing scream. She covered her ears looking toward the door then stood up so fast it was almost inhuman.

Don't hurt the feather. Please don't let anyone hurt it.

"Sorry." She said looking at the door but then sat down and smiled at the feather. She felt happy every time she touched it. She wanted to know why that was. Lydia then looked up to see everyone around her looked very confused.

"Lydia, what's going on? Every since yesterday—" Scott didn't get to finish before Lydia started to talk.

"Since my heart stopped? Yeah, of course because I died. How did you bring me back to life again? Oh, wait you didn't do anything someone else helped me an angel his—"

Lydia, don't tell them my name. You can't yet.

"Sorry. Nevermind who he is. I have to go." Lydia said getting up and walking toward the door but Scott stepped in front of her.

"An angel? Can you hear his voice?" Scott asked Lydia stepped back and closed her eyes.

"Touch this." She said holding out the feather for him. He touched it and it shocked him.

"Ah! What the hell?!" He said holding his hand in pain.

"Oh my god sorry. It wasn't supposed to hurt you." Lydia said then turned around and looking up at the ceiling. "Right?! It doesn't hurt me why did it hurt him?!" She yelled at the ceiling looking expecting an answer.

Lydia the feather was for you not for the others. That's why it hurt him and not you. I got approval to come down whenever I want I could bring Allison next time.

"Oh, you could bring her?"

Yes, now I'll give you a hint about who I know.

"Tell me."

I called him Tommy. His name was different when I knew him.

"Alright, I'll ask," Lydia said and looked back at the pack who was still looking so confused.

"Were you just talking to him?" Liam asked and Lydia nodded wondering who could have known him. Then it came to her. Stiles was missing for a year and a half.

"Yes, he is protecting us. Because he loves someone in the pack."

How did you know I love him?

"It's easy to tell. Why else would you protect him from losing his friends?" Lydia said looking up at the ceiling again and heard a grunt from the angel causing her to smile.

"What did you mean when you asked 'could you bring her?'" Derek asked crossing his arms. Lydia smiled at the thought of having Allison back.

"He got in trouble once from taking someone out of hell and bringing them to heaven. Wait did you get—"

No, I'm sorry I didn't get Aiden. I went to get him after but he said no because I would have become a corrupted angel.

"You would have become a corrupted angel for us? For him?" Lydia almost pointed to Stiles but kept her arm glued to her body.

Yes, he shot me in the head so I didn't have to become a monster. I begged him to and he granted my wish even though it hurt him more than me.

"Oh my god," Lydia said covering her mouth with her hand.

"Lydia what did he say?" Stiles asked she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Nothing it's not important. I have to go Scott so move. Now!" Lydia said turning back around and glaring at him.

"No Lydia we want to know who this is." He said Lydia glared harder and Newt sighed.

"Let the girl go home Scott!"

The voice from above scared the whole pack except Lydia. Scott flashed his red eyes and looked around the room for the threat but saw nothing.

"It's alright Scott no need for the eyes as Lydia said. I wouldn't hurt any of you."

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"As I told Lydia I can't let someone I love lose more people. I'm sorry I couldn't pull him out of hell he didn't want me to become corrupt so he refused but I pulled someone else out. Let Lydia go home, Scott."

Lydia had enough and just pushed Scott out of the way with all the strength she had. She left wondering if Newt spoke after that. She also really wanted to see Allison again.

I wonder if he'll really bring her down soon? She thought.

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