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"You're late again." Scott said a bit annoyed at her for being late again when she said she wouldn't be. "Listen I'm sorry but I have been having voices inside my head." The pack just stood there waiting for her to continue.

"Now I know that's not weird for me but it's been happening ever since I... died a few days ago. Someone-" Scott stopped her being confused. "No you weren't dead. I could still hear your heartbeat." He said and she sighed. How do I tell them people who they saw die are alive? She thought.

"I didn't completely die. When I was out I was in a dark room. A hut almost. I looked around and saw a boy standing there. He looked at me and smiled he told me I have to wake up because he can't lose anymore people. Now I realize who he was talking about. He was protecting someone from the pain of losing more people." Lydia looked at Stiles for most of the sentence the pack saw this and looked at Stiles.

"Him? Someone is protecting Stiles?" Scott asked and Lydia nodded then smiled slightly. "An angel. He told me to tell you something Stiles." Lydia said dropping her smile as she felt tears come to her eyes.

"What is it?" Stiles asked seeming a bit worried about who this angel was and what thing she was told to tell him. "It wasn't your fault they died." She said taking a pause but before she could continue Stiles spoke.


"Chuck, Alby, Winston, Teresa... Newt." Lydia said Stiles breath got faster and shorter. He calmed down and stepped towards her. "How do you know about them?" He asked in a threatening manner that surprised everyone. At this moment he had turned back into Thomas. He wasn't pretending to be afraid anymore he wasn't acting anymore. When she didn't answer he got angry.

"DAMN IT LYDIA HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM!" He screamed at her venom in his voice. Everyone stepped back. This wasn't the Stiles they knew. They were all so surprised Stiles looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. But then he realized his mistake.

"Stiles are you- Is that a tattoo on your neck?!" Scott said Stiles had accidentally rubbed the makeup off of his neck. Scott walked over to Stiles and grabbed his neck wiping the rest of the makeup off and pulling down his shirt slightly. "Property-" Scott was cut off by Stiles this time.

"Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A2. To be killed by group B. Don't you think I know what it says you shank." Thomas said and it made the biggest smile come onto Minho, Jorge, Brenda, and Newt's faces. "Are you going to tell everyone what happened when you got kidnaped, Thomas?" Lydia said and Thomas turned glaring at her.

"How did you find out about what happened Lydia?!" Thomas clenched his jaw and walked towards her slowly. His walk was more stable, not so wobbly, and he leaned down to his boot and pulled out a knife. "Did WICKED find me? Are they getting to you?" He asked looking around and holding the knife ready to fight.

"Come on skank put the knife away. It's just us." Minho said as him, Jorge, and Brenda walked into the loft. "What the hell are you doing here? Did you tell her?!" Thomas yelled Minho rolled his eyes and went over hugging Thomas. Thomas hugged Jorge and Brenda before turning to the pack and realized that they were watching.

"What the hell?" They all said and Thomas scratched the back of his neck. "I have some explaining to do." Thomas said walking over to the couch with Minho, Brenda, and Jorge but Lydia didn't move.

"I'm not done." Lydia said and everyone turned back to her as she took a few steps back into the hallway. She saw Aiden, Allison, and Newt standing there smiling. "I don't know if I can do this." She said stepping back into the loft. Then she felt someone hug her from behind.

"Your doing great baby." Aiden. Sweet Aiden. A literal angel. He looked up at everyone and let go of Lydia. "Hey-" That's all he could say before Ethan brought him into a bone crushing hug.

"Aiden. How are you alive?" Ethan asked pulling away from Aiden and looking him in the eyes. "The angel. Well a different angel than the one that helped Lydia." Aiden said smiling at Lydia and she smiled back.

"I missed you." Ethan said smiling and bringing him into another hug. When they were done hugging Aiden went to everyone saying hello and giving out hugs. When he got to Jackson he stopped. "You better be treating my brother nice." He said to Jackson and he nodded but gave him a look of confusion.

"How did you know?" Jackson asked and Aiden gave him a look of disgust before smiling again. "When we're trying to protect you all. We watch everything." Then Aiden turned to Isaac and Scott looking them dead in the eyes.

"EVERYTHING." He said and they looked away pretending to be dumb and not know what he was talking about. "Don't know what you're talking about." Isaac said scratching the back of his neck Aiden just took a few steps closer to them.

"Sure sure... puppy." Aiden said smacking Isaac's shoulder as Isaac cringed at the name. The pack chuckled while Isaac and Scott just blushed hard. "It's almost every night with you two." Aiden said and Scott looked down while the others just continued laughing.

"Still not done." Lydia said as everyone's laughter died down. She turned and whispered for Allison to come in and she slowly stepped through the door. "Allison?" Everyone gasped while her father ran up to her and hugged her. She smiled hugging back.

"I missed you guys."

angel in the mirror • TEEN WOLF✗MAZE RUNNERWhere stories live. Discover now