Talking & School

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Lydia sat on the couch beside Allison neither of them wanted to go to bed so they stayed up for a while after the others went to sleep. Lydia was wondering if Allison knew what was happening between Isaac and Scott. She wanted to ask but she didn't know if it would upset Allison.

"Something's bothering you. What is it?" Allison asked after watching Lydia for a number of minutes.

"I just. Do you know what happened between Isaac and Scott?" Lydia just blurted it out. Maybe it was better to rip the band-aid off than to slowly rip it off. But what confused her is that Allison chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, I know. I'm happy that they're together. Plus I think Minho's hot." Allison said to Lydia giggling. Lydia chuckled at how fast Allison has already moved on. I wonder if she still hurt a bit.


"Yes, Lydia?"

"Does it hurt? Everything, emotionally and physically?"

"The pain isn't what bothers me. Yes, it hurts a bit that Scott and Isaac moved on but it always does when someone you used to love moves on. And yes physically it does hurt from time to time because of the torture scars I got from hell. But that's not what bothers me some pain is okay. It's what reminds me I'm human." Allison took a deep breath before continuing what she was going to say to Lydia. "What bothers me is that I wasn't with you guys. I wasn't there to help you fight, I wasn't there to pick you up when you fell, I wasn't there when my best friend needed me." Allison said Lydia put a hand on her best friends hand. Holding it so she knew that this was real.

"You were there. Watching me making sure I didn't die. Right? You were watching me?" Lydia said and Allison looked up at her and nodded.

"I was watching you almost every minute of every day. When I wasn't there Newt was." Allison said and they both smiled at each other. They hugged and some tears were shed but when weren't tears shed these days?


"I'll be back after school! Don't mess up the house!" Lydia yelled as she left for school.

As she drove she wondered what the pack was going to yell at her for today. Not going to shook yesterday. Or not answering their calls or texts. She parked her car an got out looking for the pack but didn't see them.

"Good, maybe they'll leave me alone today." She said walking into the school but then she saw that at her locker was indeed the pack. She groaned and walked over to her locker.

"Lydia!" Stiles said but she just ignored them and continued to open her locker which they were surrounding.

They asked her many questions about where she was why wasn't she ignoring them and even who was that angel they talked to. Lydia just ignored them and grabbed the books she needed for class. When she tried to go to class the pack stopped her.

"Lydia this is serious. We are going to get answers now or at the pack meeting we are having tonight." Scott said obviously a bit angry that she didn't care.

"Yeah alright pack meeting tonight. I promise I'll come, this isn't really the right place to talk about death now is it?" Lydia said then walked off to her class.

She was bombarded by questions all day by the pack but again she either ignored them or told them she would tell them at the pack meeting.

But around lunchtime at Lydia's house Jorge, Brenda, and Newt went out for lunch. They asked if Allison and Minho would come but they said no. Allison sat on the couch watching tv when Minho came in and sat beside her. She was watching a horror movie so when there was a jump scare she curled into Minho's side.

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