Meet The Angels

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"I'll go get them if you know where they are," Lydia said as Newt and Allison stood in her room.

"Yeah, I do. Jorge and Brenda aren't that far from here with Minho. Just outside of Beacon Hills, Tommy goes to see them every month. We'll go with you." Newt said smiling as Lydia got up and hugged Allison again. She was glad they could hide their wings or the hug wouldn't be very comfortable.

"I still can't believe you're here," Lydia said into the croak of Allison's neck. Allison chuckled hugging the banshee back.

They stayed like that for a while before deciding it was a good time for them to leave. Lydia texted her mother that she will be gone tomorrow.

They left in Lydia's car and drove to Jorge, Brenda, and Minho's house. Neither Brenda nor Minho had families when they escaped from WICKED and since Jorge was an adult he adopted them and bought a home outside of Beacon Hills so Thomas could go and see them whenever.

The drive was full of conversation about what happened when Stiles was kidnapped by WICKED. Lydia felt bad for him, everything he went through. Having to watch his friends die, having to kill the one he loved because of WICKED.

It pained her that he hadn't told them. They could have helped but she also remembered how Stiles hated people around him always feeling bad for him. Lydia parked by the house Newt instructed her to go to.

"I'll wait by the car you two go greet them," Newt said and he leaned against the hood of the car.

He thought about how the other would react as Lydia and Allison walked up to the door. They knocked on the door and a girl answered the door.

"Hello? Who are you?" She said glaring a bit as she leaned on the door.

Newt looked away so they couldn't see his face. Was he ready for this? For his friends who thought he was dead to finally know he was alive. Well not exactly alive but not dead.

"My name is Lydia this is Allison. Are you Brenda? We would like to talk to you, Minho, and Jorge." Lydia said and it took the girl by surprise.

She knew everything about Stiles' friends. She knew that Allison was dead and so did the others Brenda was confused and tilted her head a bit. she confused about Allison being alive and that these two even knew their names.

"Um... uh I guess?" She said then turning her head into the hallway of the house. "Jorge! Minho! Get over here now!" Brenda screamed into the house then she turned back to the two girls that stood in the doorway of her home. "I thought you were supposed to be dead?" Brenda said pointing to Allison as Jorge and Minho walked up to the front door.

"Now Brenda that's no way to talk to them. Hello ladies how may I help?" Minho said stepping in front of Brenda and smiling. He was flirting but Lydia was used to it and Allison didn't care so they both rolled their eyes.

"Yes, Brenda I did die. But that's not important. I'm not the only one who came back." Allison said turning around Lydia smiled then turned around as well.

They walked toward the car Newt had turned his head so he was facing away from the house. Oh god was he ready for this? To see them after all this time?

Minho, Brenda, and Jorge were very confused about what was happening but walked out of the house closing the door behind them. Then Minho realized who they are talking about and stopped dead in his tracks. Lydia put her hand on Newt's shoulder and smiled telling him it was okay. Newt looked up at his friends and smiled.

"NEWT!" Minho screamed tears falling from his eyes and Newt nodded standing up straight. Minho ran over to him and crushed him in a hug. "Newt... Newt." He said as tears fell from each other's eyes.

When the hug ended Minho looked Newt over then saw the bullet wound that he tried to hide with his hair. When his wings are put away that's his body telling him to look normal so the blood no longer comes out of the wound. But Minho was still shocked.

"Oh my god! How are you alive?! There's a hole in your head!" Minho said Newt nodded.

But he stayed silent as he went over to Brenda and Jorge who were almost as shocked as Minho. Newt didn't speak he just hugged them both but not speaking which concerned Minho.

"Are you real?" Minho asked as Newt turned back to him.

"Yes, I'm real Minho. I missed you bloody shanks." Newt said and brought Minho into another hug.

"How are you alive Newt?" Jorge asked Minho and Newt parted from the hug. Newt leaned against the car smiling at them.

"I'm an angel," Newt said then looked around for anyone who might see and since it was dark no one was out. His wings came out of his back and everyone stepped back.

"Holy shit!" Brenda said looking at the black wing and white wing.

"Is Allison the same thing? Because Thomas told us she died." Minho said as he looked at Newt's wings.

"I pulled her out of hell so yes she is now an angel," Newt said smiling at her and she smiled back. "Can you guys come see Tommy with me?" Newt asked and of course, they said yes.

On the way to Lydia's house, they talked about what had happened while was gone. It wasn't much but it was something. Just so they didn't have to sit in silence the whole way home.

When they got to Lydia's house they were all glad that her mother had called her saying she was going up to the lake house for a while. That means everyone could stay at her house. Lydia parked the car in the driveway then unlocked the door welcoming everyone inside. They sat in her living room wanting to ask Newt something.

"Newt. Why are one of your wings black and one white?" Brenda asked him and he sighed looking over at Allison.

"As you know I pulled Allison out of hell. I'm not usually supposed to pull someone out of hell so I get a punishment by having a black wing. I was going to pull Aiden out, another one of their friends, but he told me to leave him because he didn't want to be the cause of my corruption." Newt said holding his left arm. Lydia noticed him do this every time he talk about hell.

"Why do you hold your left arm every time you talk about hell Newt?" Lydia asked Newt flinched then brought his hand down so it was by his side instead of rubbing his arm.

"Because when I tried to get them out of hell I got trapped for two days. Not as long as them I know but the memory is now burned into my arm." Newt said then took off his jacket. Just as he said a burn scar goes from his wrist to his shoulder. The words made tears come to everyone's eyes. There burned into his left arm were the words.

Thomas will never love you.

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