I Love You

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"Allison?" Scott said tears in his eyes. Allison smiled letting go of her father who had tears in his eyes.

"H-how?" He asked and she smiled looking at Lydia who had a smile on her face as well.

"The angel." She said then they went over to the pack and she hugged them all and met the new ones as well.

While they were talking Lydia backed up into the hallway. She turned looking at Newt who was leaning on the wall smiling at her.

"You're a good friend to him you know." Lydia said to Newt she looked at Stiles to see him smiling along with the rest of the pack. "I haven't seen him this happy in a while." She said looking back at Newt who nodded. "Come on." She said going back into the loft.

He paused and heard them all go silent as she stepped back inside the loft.

"Come on!" She said again then Newt stepped in hands shoved in his pockets as he looked at Stiles. The pack looked confused while Stiles had tears going down his face.

"Hey Tommy." Newt said Thomas stepped toward the boy confused and shocked.

"Newt? Y-you're the angel saving my friends?" Thomas asked Lydia went down standing next to Aiden while they all watched the two boys.

"Yeah. I missed you." Newt said smiling at the boy who was now arms length away from him.

"I missed you too." Thomas said then pulled him into a hug.

The angel let tears fall from his face and land on the humans shoulder. Thomas pulled away only to be able to look into Newt's eyes. He put his hands on the sides of the angels face taking it all in.

"I love you." Thomas said making Newt frown and the others go wide eyed.

He was about to take it back when Newt grabbed the back of his neck and pressed their lips together.

In that moment they were the only ones in the room. In the world. The kiss was filled with love and passion. Just the two boys lips moving in sync against each other. They both loved it. They were so lost in the kiss they didn't even notice everyone was cheering for them. When they parted Newt looked into Thomas's eyes with love and happiness a smile clear on his face.

"I love you too Tommy."

angel in the mirror • TEEN WOLF✗MAZE RUNNERWhere stories live. Discover now