The Bill

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That's some bastard!

"Your the bastard!" I practically scream.

"Riley calm down." Olivia says.

"No! I'm not going to calm down. He hit me with a car! Even if he is famous he can't just hit someone with a car!"

He walks even closer to me and his face looks like he feels really bad about all this.

"Riley. I'm really sorry I didn't mean it. I will even pay for the whole hospital bill." He says.

I try and ignore that bastard.

"What was I supposed to say to my mom about this?" I say turning my attention back to Olivia.

"I called her, she is going to be here any minute now."Olivia says.

"Did the doctor tell you how long I'm going to be in here for?" I ask Olivia.

"For about a week." Ross says.

"I didn't ask you."

"Riley I'm just trying to help. I hope you realize this because I'm really sorry and I would change places with you in a second. I didn't mean to hit you." He says.

I just stare at him.

I don't want to believe him.

All celebrities get whatever they want so I'm not going to give him what he wants. Bastard.

I turn away and look at Olivia basically drooling over Ross.

"Ross may I have a moment with Olivia?" I ask in a not so friendly tone.

"Sure I'll be right outside if you need me." He says.

He walks out and closes the door behind him.

I can see him pacing in the hallway.

I turn back to Olivia.

"Olivia you can't just drool over the guy that just hit your best friend with there car!"

"Riley I have no idea why your acting like this. I would be honored to get hit by Ross lynch and his fancy car." She says.

"Olivia I'm serious."

"Riley you don't know how serious I am right now." She says in a very serious tone.

I start laughing and my side's start to hurt.

"Oww stop making me laugh Olivia. It hurts."

Now she starts laughing at me.

We laugh at each other for a super long time until my side's hurt so much I'm out of breath.

A doctor walks in.

"Hello Riley, I'm doctor Sasha Martin. I will be your personal doctor for the next few days."

"Did you just say personal?" I ask.

"Yes I did. I am very close to the lynch family. I'm sorry about what happened and I'm even more sorry about what I'm about to tell you." She says all in one tone.

Oh my god I hope it's nothing serious or that bastard is dead.

"You have some broken and bruised ribs. You also.." I cut her off.

"That's why my side's hurt when I laugh?"

"Yes I would recommend not to laugh. I also was not finished. The speed the car was going and how close of a call this was you have actually been some what lucky. You could have been paralyzed from your neck down."

"Thanks doc I'm lucky , just can you continue with what else is wrong with me? Please." I say trying not to sound rude.

"Yes I may. Your right leg is somehow paralyzed from the knee down. We have to cut it."


"No need to yell Ms. Hare. This is a very simple procedure we have done it many times."

"I'm not worried about that doc. I'm freaking out because I won't have two legs!"

"We can always attach a prosthetic leg. No need to worry."

"Can we talk more about this when my mom gets here." I say feeling dizzy. I just want to get out of here.

"Yes we can." She says.

She opens the door and leaves.

"Olivia toss me a pillow."

"Okay but why?"

She tosses me the pillow.

I put my face in it and scream as loud as I can until I run out of breath.

"Riley calm down." Olivia says taking the pillow away from me.

"Olivia. You don't get it. I'm only going to have one real human leg. The other one will be fake. How was I supposed to live life with one normal leg?" I feel like crying. My eyes water but I don't let tears come out.

"Riley. Many people have only one human leg and even more people don't have legs as all. Just deal with it. If I could I would give you both of my legs so you could have three but you know I can't. " Olivia says with one of her famous smiles.

" I really don't know if it made it better or worse." I smile back at her.

She just laughs at me.

My mom walks in the door.

"Oh sweetie I knew I shouldn't have let you go." She says as she hugs me.

"Mom your hurting my side's."

She lets go super fast.

"I'm sorry. Everything is going to be okay." She says more to herself than me.

"Now I know what Olivia was talking about. Your need to calm down mom." I say.

"Riley I have to go my mom is getting worried. I'll be back tomorrow." She says patting my head since she can't hug me.

"See you tomorrow." I say.

Right as Olivia walks out a doctor walks in.

"Hello Miss? Visiting hours are over." She says.

"I'm her mother. I need to stay." My mother argues.

"Mom it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

She just looks at me with a sad face.

" Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." She kisses my forehead.

She walks out and I just sit watching the door.

I really feel bad cause she just drove all this way to have to drive back.

I press this little button on a remote and my bed lies flat. I press another button and the lights turn off.

I try turning cause I'm in the most uncomfortable position to sleep in but it hurts so I ignore it and just try to sleep.

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