The Surprise

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"Ross, so where we going?" I ask after being on the freeway for about an hour.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise would it." He says.

I cross my arms. Hopefully were close to the surprise cause I can't stand being in this car any longer.

We finally get off the freeway and we pull up to this nice looking house.

"Whose house is this?" I ask.

"Someone's." He says.

I can't stand surprises.

He parks the car right in front and opens the door. He helps me onto my wheelchair and rolls me to the front door.

"Close your eyes." Ross says.

I cover my eyes with my hands and I can hear him unlocking the door.

I move my finger slightly and peek.

"No peeking." Ross says putting his big hand over my eyes.


He rolls me in still covering my eyes.

He rolls me around for awhile.

He takes his hands off my eyes and Olivia and I'm guessing Ross's friends all scream surprise.

"Surprise!" Ross says.

We are in the backyard and its huge. There's a giant swimming pool with a hot tube pouring into the pool like a waterfall and a little tiki bar in the corner. Also a stage area of to the side. A big poster stretches across two trees saying "Glad your finally out of that hospital".

"I like the poster." I tell Ross.

"Thanks, Riker helped me out with it. I didn't know what to put on a sign for an occasion like this." He says with that smile I love so much.

A guy with brown hair and a girl with blonde hair walk up to us.

"So this is the girl we hear so much about." The guy says.

"Yup." Ross says.

"Um, May I ask who are you?" I say kind of awkwardly.

"I'm Rydel and this is Rocky, Ross's brother and sister. Nice to know you didn't talk about us. " She says hitting Ross's shoulder.

"Oh, nice to meet you then." I say.

"Well, In gonna get my swim suit on. It was nice to meet you Riley." Rydel says.

"I'm gonna go pick up a couple of friends, talk to you later you guys." Rocky says.

"Let me show you around now." Ross says.

He rolls me inside the beautiful house. He shows me the kitchen, the living area, a theater room, and a game room.

"Wanna go swimming now." Ross says at the end if the tour.

"I don't think I can." I say truly unsure.

"I asked the doctors before. You can go in the pool." He says.

"Umm, I don't have a swim suit." I say too fast.

"I already planned that." He says getting a box from a closet door.

The box is a light blue with an R on it and a big white bow on top.

"Here you go." He says handing me the box.

I untie the beautiful bow and open the box.

An amazing swim suit is inside. I can't even believe my eyes it's to good for words.

It's navy blue and it has a peace sign (peace fingers, not circle thing) in the middle and under it it says Imagine.

I look up from the swim suit and Ross is smiling at me.

I reach out and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you." I whisper into his ear.

He pulls out of the hug and grabs my face with both hands and kisses me.

Moments later he pulls out.

"The bathroom is right down the hall." He says.

"Thanks." I say. My face feels all warm.

I roll myself into the bathroom and change. It takes forever but I finally get it on.

Knock Knock.

"One more minute please." I say trying to roll around my chair so I can get out.

"Need help." Ross says from the other side of the door.

"No I'm good." I say.

"Okay." He says.

I finally turn all the way around and I know Ross is still right at the door waiting. He probably has been right at the door since I came in here.

I open the door and sure enough he is standing against the wall waiting.

"Ready?" He says.


Out of no where Ross comes up to me and picks me up out of my chair and carries me outside.

No one outside not even Ross looks or stares at my half leg. They are all just smiling at us.

I turn to Ross and sure enough he is smiling too.

He puts me down on a chair close to the pool. He takes off his shirt and picks me up again.

He then carries me into the pool.

Ross's family cheers with their friends as he sits on a step with me sitting on his lap.

Olivia jumps in and swims my way.

"So, you guys a thing now?" She asks.

Before I can speak Ross is already talking.

"Yup, she's all mine." Ross says.

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