Chapter Twenty

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I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had...Tears For Fears ya'll

Chapter Twenty

"It's open!" I called out to whoever had knocked on my door. My hands were currently covered in flour as I kneaded the dough on the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?"

"Christmas baking. Something my mom used to do every December and so I thought I'd start doing it too. What do you think?"

Zayn ripped a piece of the cookie dough off and shoved it into his mouth. His eyes widened. "I think you should make this every year. And my birthday. And possibly on the weekends. Just bring me some whenever you get the chance."

He went for another piece, this time grabbing a portion the size of his hand.

"Okay, slow down there, big guy. They'll be ready in a bit." I started making them into smaller pieces and putting them onto a tray.

"So how's that story writing thing going?"

"It's, um, it's good. One editor was really interested in them and she said she'd call me later this week about it."

He sat down at one of the stools by the kitchen counter. "Why did you even leave your other job in the first place?"

A loose piece of hair fell out of my low bun and I tucked it back behind my ear. "I was, uh . . ." Why do I keep putting this off? It's not like it would change anything between us. It was just a job, my job. What they thought was just an opinion. An incredibly important opinion. I ignored my negative thoughts and using that small burst of courage, I told him. "I was laid off back in September."


"In September they had to make a few budget cuts and I was let go. But I'm fine now. Sort of . . . well, I have a source of income and that's all that matters."

"But, September? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Zayn, it was just something I wanted to keep to myself."

"I know, but Cass, you should have said something. We would've given -"

"No." I stared at him and kept my voice steady. "I know what you were going to say and I would've appreciated the gesture, but I wouldn't have taken it. I'm perfectly capable of getting a job and providing for myself, and that's why I waited so long to tell you. Things are getting better financially and I don't need you or any of the other lads helping me out."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." I took a deep breath and plastered a pleasant grin across my face. "Now, I called Niall earlier and he said he'll be here in ten. What did you want to talk about?"

I set the timer on the stove and went to sit on the stool beside his where Zayn was still eyeing me skeptically.

"I'm fine, Zayn."

"I know, I'm just making sure. And it's about Louis' birthday. I already spoke to Liam and Harry about it and now it's just two more to go."

My smile faltered. "Right."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, what happened between you and Louis?"

" . . . What?"

"The minute I mentioned Louis, you got all sad. What happened? I thought things were going good between you and him."

"Things are fine between us."

"Define your understanding of 'fine'."

"We're close and good friends."

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