💗Nightmares and Cuddles💗

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Tweek's POV

I hum happily as I cook dinner for Craig.

"I w-wonder when he'll b-be home.."

I look at my clock, it reads 12:48 PM.

What if he's cheating? Oh god!

I tug at my blonde messy hair, while twitching more than usual.

I hear a car pull up in the driveway.

I walk into the living room, and look out the window.

"O-oh thank god! It's C-Craig's car!"

I quickly grab my keys of the coffee table and unlock the door for Craig.

I tackle Craig in a hug as soon as he walks into the door.

Instead of being hugged back, I'm greeted with a distasteful shove.

"Ew! Get off me Tweek!" Craig yells.

Tears well up in my eyes, "But w-why C-Craig?"

Craig scoffs at me, "Because you're fucking annoying!"

What did I ever do to him?

So many questions raced through my mind as I began to cry quietly.

I look up at him,"W-w-why C-craig?"

Craig turns around to face me, "Why? I'll tell you fucking why."

He gets up in my face, "First off, you're a fucking crybaby."

Then he walks to the kitchen and grabs the dinner I prepared for him. He smashes the food onto the floor.

I squeal as I watch my hardwork get smashed to the floor.

Craig stomped on the food on the floor, "Second off, you can't cook for shit!"

He grabs me by the hair, "And last of all, you're a spazz! And that's all you'll ever be."

He throws me to the floor, and kicks me repeatedly.

While kicking me he mumbles, "Tweek, wake up."

"H-huh?" I stutter.


My eyes shoot open as I sob into my hands, realising that it was a dream.

A hand lands on my shoulder, it was Craig's.

"Tweek, babe, you okay?" Craig asks.

I looked to my right to face my lover, kneeling beside the bed, I immediately engulfed him in a hug.

"What's wrong, babe? I walked into the bedroom and you were crying in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare or something?" Craig asked sofly while rubbing my back.

"Y-yeah.. I-I d-did," I say, stuttering with every word.

"Wanna talk about it?" Craig asked.

I nod, "I h-had a dream that you didn't l-love me anymore. You told me that I w-was a crybaby, that I c-couldn't cook, and that I was n-n-nothing more than a spazz to y-you."

I feel Craig tense up, "Honey, I will always love you. Do you understand?"

I nod, and let him continue.

Craig finishes his statement, "You aren't a crybaby, you're an amazing cook, and I will never think of you as a useless spazz, okay?"

I let out a sigh of relief, "O-okay Craig."

Craig plopped down next to me on the bed, and got under the covers with me.

"I love you Tweek," Craig said softly.

I smile, "I-I love you t-too Craig."

Me and Craig laid there in silence, but the comfortable silence.

Craig ran his fingers through my blonde, messy hair, massaging my scalp.

I felt my eyelids grow heavy, I drifted off to sleep, with Craig following shortly after.

But this time, it was a good dream.

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