💙💚Distinct Love💚💙

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Picture above belongs to it's faithful owner, it does not belong to me.

This chapter idea was requested by angle-senpai , thank you for the request!


Tweek Tweak was a persephone, so he controlled the vegetation in the world. It was his duty to use his power correctly.

While Tweek did his job, Kenny the Demeter watched over Tweek, and was overly protective of him.

Tweek thought that the night skies were often calm, and he slept on a flower bed that Kenny made for him every night.

While Tweek usually slept peacfully, Kenny watched over him, even when he was sleeping. He was that protective.

On a night like any other, Kenny was watching Tweek. All seemed normal, until he saw a shadowy figure approach his precious Tweek.

Alarmed, Kenny quietly lept behind the cloud, seeing what the figure was.

It was none other than Craig the hades, Prince of the underworld, and the keeper of dark spirits.

Craig may not have looked evil, but he was more powerful than any person could possibly imagine.

Kenny scowled as Craig approached Tweek. Right before Craig could lay a finger on Tweek, Kenny used his powers to make the flowers rise Tweek to the point that he became unreachable.

Craig groaned, as he attempted to reach the small boy. But before Craig could make a good attempt, Kenny flew in front of Craig, and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back.

Craig scowled in response, as he qent back into the underworld. Kenny stayed back a few seconds, making sure Craig was gone. As soon as he knew for sure, he brought Tweek down, and he held him closely for the rest of the night.

Time Skip To Next Morning

Tweek woke up the next morning, laying in Kenny's arms.

Tweek looked up at Kenny, noticing that Kenny was actually asleep. Tweek also noticed the deep bags under the Demeter's eyes. He must've stayed up all night protecting him.

Tweek decided to let Kenny sleep, while he vegetated(?) the plants around him.

While Tweek was fulfilling the plants' needs, he stumbled apon a very dark patch of the forest. Tweek nervously walked in, with dark clouds soon surrounding him.

Tweek began to tremble, as the clouds formed the shape of a person. Tweek had soon realised that the 'figure' was Craig, the hades.

"W-what do w-want f-from me?" Tweek asked, becoming more terrified by the second.

Craig extended his middle finger, "What I want," he started, "Is for you to tell Kenny to fuck off."

Tweek quickly nodded, as he watched Craig walk into a strange looking portal. Growing curious, Tweek followed Craig into it.

Little did he know, this was the start to a beautiful relationship -3-

As Tweek entered the portal, many dark souls surrounded him, all saying different things to him.

"Hey, look! A god!"
"What are you doing here, wimp?"
"Look at him spazz!"
"I need to notify the boss about this"

Tweek felt chills down his spine as he looked around. This place seemed so.. dead. How could anyone live like this?

Suddenly, Tweek felt a hard tug at the back of his shirt. Tweek slowly looked up, to find Craig, giving him the 'What the fuck' look.

Tweek didn't know what to say, so he quickly looked back down, playing with his hands as if he were a toddler. For some strange reason, Craig found it adorable, and couldn't help but slightly blush.

"Hey, um.." Craig started, "don't listen to them, okay?" sure if felt awkward, but Craig couldn't help it. Tweek was just too precious.

Tweek slightly smiled, "O-Okay..". Craig extended his arm, "Follow me," Craig said sheepishly.

Tweek followed, but he weirdly felt safe, as if this hades was harmless.

Craig led Tweek to his room, "You can stay here if you want.."

Tweek looked around, apparently Craig really liked Gray and Blue. "I-It's fine," Tweek said, "Y-You have a really nice room!"

Craig blushed a little, "Thanks, handsome god." Craig immediately covered his mouth. Did he just say that?

Tweek blushed without Tweek seeing, and spoke without thinking, "You're pretty h-handsome too.."

Craig smirked, "Then let me prove to you how handsome I am~"

Just after Craig took off his shirt, Kenny burst into the room.



Sorry for the shitty chapter. Just know that I don't know squat about mythology, or any of that.

Oh well, I tried.

Bye bye! 💜🎋

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