💖Just The Way You Are💖

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This song is so beautiful!

I know the song is about a girl, but just think of it as a Creek song ;)

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, peace~!


Craig was currently making Tweek a cup of coffee. Tweek had been distressed for some strange reason, and he wouldn't tell Craig why.

After the coffee was finished, Craig began to make is way back of the stairs.

While he was approaching their shared room, he heard quiet sobs, and sniffling.

Craig gently pushed open the door, to find his Tweek crying. Tweek's beautiful Green eyes were glazed over with tears, and his cheeks had streams of tears flowing down them.

Craig walked in, startling Tweek. Craig sat next to Tweek on their bed, "Tweek, honey, what's wrong?"

Craig secretly knew that Tweek would oblige to answering that question, but this time, it was different.

Tweek looked up at Craig, "D-do you p-promise you won't g-get mad?" Tweek asked, inbetween sobs.

Craig rubbed his lover's back, "I promise. Please, just tell me what's wrong.."

Tweek looked down, "I-I don't feel good enough f-for you..". Craig tilted his head in confusion, allowing Tweek to continue.

"I j-just don't understand why y-you love an u-ugly, w-worthless s-spazz like m-me.." Tweek said, sobbing harder.

Craig held Tweek's hands in his, "Tweek, look at me," Tweek looked imto Craig's eyes, "Don't you ever say that again, okay? You're perfect just the way you are. When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while."

Tweek looked down, blushing madly. Craig went on, "So don't even ask me if you look okay, because I'll say you're amazing, just the way you are. I never want you to change, you are my everything Tweek.."

Tweek immediately hugged Craig, and Craig returned it. "Now.." Craig started, "Let's go to the amusement park, my treat."

And with that, the two lovers had an amazing day, the happiest they had been in a while.

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