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It was another normal day for Tweek.

He was constantly bullied, and if he ever told Craig they threatened to make it worse.

They were horrible people. He was bullied physically and verbally, by Trent Boyett and Estella. Then afetr school, he was bullied by Jenkins.

Tweek's morning started off normally, he took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, than walked to the bus stop.

Tweek realized that he was early.. a little too early.


He looked to his left, and saw Trent marching towards him. So Tweek made a dash to his right, bumping into Estella.

Estella pushed Tweek to the ground, "Hey! Watch where you're going, spazz!"

Tweek gasped out of shock and fear, "Gah! I-I-I'm so s-sorry! I-I'll do a-anything plea-"

Tweek was quickly shut up with a hard kick to his left side, which quickly turned into many.

Trent and Estella laughed and giggled, while watching Tweek cry in pain.

"P-please.. s-s-stop.." Tweek cried.

Trent picked up the smaller blonde by his shirt, "If you tell anyone about this, we will NOT hesitate to make it worse,".and with that, Trent left.

Tweek was left in the snow, crying, while shaking violently.

After about 7 minutes, Craig showed up, shocked to see his Tweek crying in the snow.

He immediately ran over to Tweek, and embraced him in a hug, while rubbing his back in attempt to calm the shaking blonde.

"What happened?" Craig asks softly.

Tweek took a minute to calm down, and explained his situation, "I-I'm sorry C-Craig.. I've been l-lying to you f-for a while now.. I don't g-get my bruises from t-tripping a lot, I'm actually b-bullied everyday. S-sorry for lying to y-you," Tweek sniffled, hoping Craig wouldn't be mad.

Craig tenses up, he was BEYOND pissed, "Shhh. It's okay Tweek.. Just, tell me who's doing it to you.."

"T-Trent and E-Estella.."

Craig hugged Tweek tighter, "Don't worry babe, I'll fuck them up for you."

Tweek nodded, before the bus finally decided to show up.

The two lovers got on the bus, and headed to school.

Tweek was relieved that his two bullies didn't take the bus.

*Time Skip - Arriving To School*

Craig kissed Tweek on the forehead, "See ya later babe, and call me if you need to," Craig proceeded to his math class.

Tweek went into the faculty room (since every teacher trusted him) and made himself a cup of coffee.

When Tweek walked into the hallways, almost every hall was empty.

As Tweek walked to his locker, he stumbled over a foot.

He looked up, to see none other than Trent Boyett and Estella. They both had bruises, and a black eye.

Tweek carefully set his coffee down, shaking in fear, and backing up.

Unfortunately, he had backed himself into a corner.

Estella was first to talk, "What did we say would happen to you if you told anyone? Especially your boyfriend!"

Trent smacked his fist into the palm of his hand, "And NOW you're gonna get what's comin' for ya!"

Trent punched Tweek square in the jar, making Tweek fall to the floor.

They continued to punch and kick Tweek until the got bored, leaving him on the hard floor.

Estella came back, looking happy, which wasn't a good sign. She smirked, "Oh! And one more thing," She grabbed Tweeks piping hot coffee, and poured it all over Tweek, making him scream out in pain.

Estella walked away, laughing.

Tweek attempted to stand up, but his legs weren't really supporting him. So, he settled to staying on the floor until someone found him.

*Time Skip - After First Period*

The school bell rang, signaling the end of first period.

He was the first one out, bored of that damn class.

While Mr. Garrison was running for president, they had an even worse teacher, if that was even possible.

Craig stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking into the hallways.

While he was walking to his locker, he swore that he heard whimpers coming from the corner of the hallway.

Maybe he was going nuts.

Then he heard it again, that familiar whimper.

It was almost too familiar.. Tweek!

Craig ran the corner, horrified of his sight.

Tweek was covered in first degree burns, bruises, cuts, and he had a black eye.

Craig picked up Tweek bridal style, running of the school entrance doors.

"W-W-Where a-are we going C-Craig?" Tweek asked weakly.

Craig looked down at Tweek, while running, "My place. We need to get you fixed up ASAP."

Tweek weakly nodded, letting Craig carry him safely.

Craig ran with Tweek in his arms, thinking of all the different ways he was gonna beat up the bullies.

Eventually, Craig made it to his house.

Carrying Tweek up the stairs, Craig brought him to his bedroom, laying him gently on his Blue bed.

Craig left his room, returning with a first-aid kit five minutes later.

He started to undress his coffee lover, seeing more bruises than before.

Craig clenched his fist in anger, but shook it off.

As Craig bandaged Tweek's leg, Tweek winced in pain, but let him continue.

After Craig finished everything, he started conversation, "So.. How are you feeling?"

"T-terrible..," Tweek said weakly.

"Stay here and rest babe, I'll be right back," and with that, Craig ran out of the bedroom, made two cups of coffee, and took off. He knew exactly where he was heading.

Craig made a dash for the school, searching for Estella and Trent.

After a few minutes of searching, he found the two behind the school.

Craig just stood there awkwardly, and even tried snapping his fingers to get their attention.

"Hey. Fucktards." Craig started, making Trent and Estella look his way.

Oof. That got their attention.

He makes his way towards the two, throwing burning hot coffee all over both of their faces.

The two screamed, before beggining to throw punches at Craig, but missing every time, making them stumble foward and fall face first into the snow.

Craig ran back to his house, laughing his ass off in the process.

He ran back into his bedroom, to find Tweek sleeping on his bed. Craig stared in awe, and carefully slipped into the bed next to Tweek.

He kissed his blonde haired lover on his forehead, before drifing off into a deep sleep.

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