☕Tweek Gets Sick☕

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Background music above. Anyways, enjoy! 😊


The blaring sound if Tweek's alarm clock disturbed his dreams.

Tweek groaned as he woke up, immediately feeling nauseous. He rushed to the bathroom, and emptied his contents into the toilet.

The blonde clutched hus stomach, as it ached in pain. He held onto the counter for support, slowly standing up.

He looked in the mirror, to find that he was really pale. He almost looked white. His face was flushed with a light shade of red.

Tweek walked downstairs, and noticed his parents weren't there. He saw a pink note on the counter. It read,

      Dear Tweek,
            My and your mother will be on a business trip for the next couple of days. Behave, and enjoy school!
              Mom and Dad

Tweek had just realised, it's a Thursday! He couldn't afford to miss any school while his parents were away.

He got dressed, grabbed his backpack, and headed out the door. Tweek didn't eat breakfast, because he would probably throw up again if he did.

Tweek soon arrived at the bus stop, being the last one there. Craig looked over at him, "Hey Tweekers, what took so long?" Craig happily asked.

Tweek shook his head, "I-It's nothing C-Craig. M-my alarm c-clock didn't go off" Tweek said, reassuring Craig.

Craig suspiciously glanced at Tweek. But before Craig could ask anything else, the bus pulled up. Craig knew something was up..

Time Skip to School

Craig and Tweek walked down the halls, holding hands. Out of the blue, Tweek felt nauseous again.

"I-ll be right back!" Tweek said, dashing to the boys bathroom. Craig secretly followed Tweek into the bathroom.

Craig quietly opened the door to hear gagging, and hacking. He slowly walked over to the stall that Tweek was in, and opened the door very quietly.

He covered his mouth, witnessing his poor Tweek throwing up. A wave of worry immediatly filled Craig.

Craig kneeled down beside Tweek, and also saw that he was crying, while clutching his stomach.

The raven haired boy began to rub Tweek's back, startling him. "G-Gah! Craig, I-I'm sorry.." Tweek said, looking down.

Craig hugged Tweek, "Tweekers, why didn't you tell me? I could have helped.."

A single tear fell down Tweek's cheek, "I-I didn't w-want to w-w-worry you.." Tweek whispered quietly.

Craig picked up Tweek, and carried him out of the bathroom. "C'mon Tweekers, we're going to my place." Craig said

He continued to carry the blonde until he had arrived at his house. While Craig was unlocking the door, he felt Tweek shiver in his arms.

As soon as the door unlocked, Craig carried Tweek to his bedroom. He wrapped Tweek in thin blanket, and placed a small bucket beside his bed in case Tweek needed to throw up.

Craig then walked downstairs to get his phone. He looked up what to do when somebody is vomiting (I literally looked this up).

Craig walked over to the fride and grabbed a cup of water for Tweek. He also grabbed some crackers, and made his way back to his room.

He walked back upstairs to find Tweek throwing up, the bucket now a quarter filled.  "Here Tweekers, drink this," Craig said softly while handing Tweek the water.

Tweek basically downed the water, and layed on his side, holding his stomach in pain. Craig worriedly watched Tweek lay there, helpless.

Craig pulled the little bag of crackers out from his pocket. "Tweekers, eat this cracker. If you throw up again, we'll slowly start on food again."

Tweek slightly nodded, and nibbled the cracker. Once he was finished, Craig changed Tweek into looser, comfortable clothes.

Before he knew it, Tweek slowly dozed off into sleep. Craig gave Tweek a little Teddy Bear to sleep with. He noticed Tweek hold it tightly, and snuggle up to it.

Craig brought a chair into hus bedroom, so he would be able to watch Tweek.

It was going to be a long day.

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