💢Prank Gone Wrong💢

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I'm sure you've all heard of that one prank where a lover pretends to be dead, right? I forgot the name of it, but this is what happens.

Enjoy! 💗✨


Tweak Bros. Coffee became famous for it's tasteless, but amazing coffee. Eventually, there was a Tweak Bros. in Canada now. And that's where Tweek is working, whilst his boyfriend stayed home.

While in the middle of work, Tweek felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He answered the call, and heard Craig whisper, "Tweekers, honey. There are intruders in the house! Please, please come home! I nee-" that's when the call ended.

Tweek's heart skipped a beat, and he ran out of the shop in an instant. He basically leaped into his car, the same words repeating in his head while he drove. 'I nee-.. What was he going to say??'

Tweek's mind and heart was racing and he sped into South Park.


Craig put on the fake slit throat, and squirted some vampire blood all over his neck. For some extra effect, he made a small pool of fake blood surround his neck area, slowly growing bigger.

This was going to be great, Craig couldn't wait to the look on Tweek's face when he got home!

But what Craig didn't know, what that he had made it look too real.


Tweek sped down the streets of South Park, and into the driveway. The quickly grabbed his keys, and unlocked the door.

Tweek slowly walked in, and pulled out a gun from his left pocket. "C-Craig?" Tweek called out, in search of his boyfriend.

Tweek walked into the kitchen, and dropped the gun. He saw a sight he was not ready to see.

He saw Craig lay on the kitchen floor. His throat slit, blood pouring everywhere. His hands and clothes were also covered in blood, as the raven's eyes were closed gracefully.

'This is it..' Tweek thought, 'Craig is dead.. If only I didn't leave..' Tweek began to sob, as he stared at his supposedly dead boyfriend.

Then Tweek felt like he couldn't breathe, and he felt paralyzed. Tweek fell to his knees, clutching his chest and gasping for air.

Craig shot up from the floor, rushing to his boyfriend. He rubbed the smaller male's back, "Hey, Tweekers.. It's okay, I'm okay.."

Craig crouched in front of Tweek, "Tweek focus on me." Craig said softly. Tweek looked up at Craig, still hyperventilating. "Good, listen to my voice. Take slow breaths, in and out, okay?"

Tweek nodded slowly, while breathing heavily. He focused on his boyfriend, trying his best to breathe. He slowly started to breathe normally, and he clung on to Craig, shaking slightly.

Craig continued to soothe Tweek, "I'm so sorry Tweekers. It was supposed to be a stupid prank.. I'll never do it again, okay..?" Craig asked softly.

Tweek nodded silently, and slowly lost his grip on Craig. Craig rubbed Tweek's back, humming a melodic song.

Tweek's eyelids grew heavier, and heavier. Until he dozed off into sleep.

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