🔋Forgot My Charger!🔋

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Warning⚠ Brutally Short

Tweek and Craig were about to make a trip to Florida for the summer!

Tweek had already been driving for about an hour, while Craig played on his phone the whole time.

The couple had to stop at a coffee shop occasionaly, but Craig honestly didn't give two fucks.

Currently, Tweek was humming a happy tune to himself, thinking of all the cool things they would do in Florida.

Craig was currently playing Color Ballz on his phone, when he was rudely interrupted by a pop-up.

'10% Remaining'

Craig grunted, and searched hus duffle bag for his charger. While searching, he realized that he had forgotten it, and Tweek would be pissed.

"Hey um, Tweek honey?" Craig asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Yeah?" Tweek responded happily.

"I miiiiight've forgotten my charger," Craig said nervously. Craig looked at Tweek, and let's just say he had never seen Tweek this angry before.

"Craig, I s-swear to f-fucking GOD that if I have to t-turn this car around, you will be D-DEAD!" Tweek yelled, looking as if he was about to lose it.

Craig put his hands up in retreat, not saying another word.

And for the rest of their trip, Craig carried a dead phone with him.

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