Intro *cue broadway music*

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You're here to read this story - so you either know who I am or you're just really lost on the internet to have stumbled upon this story. Either way, I pity you. Really. 

I had a story before this. I didn't like it. So I deleted it. 

This is technically, Unfazed Version 2.0.

You're welcome. 

Some ground rules before we begin? For your sake and mine:

1) Don't harass me for mistakes okay? :P This is my first book on Wattpad. So be nice. 

2) Also, don't copy - I'm quite scary when I'm mad. (Ask anyone who knows me)

3) Be nice - if you like something, tell me. If you don't, tell me. When you think I deserve it, hit the vote button. When I don't, tell me you haven't voted, and I'll try to improve :) 

4) Enjoy! 



What happens when Desire battles Duty? What happens when Fantasies and Realities Clash? What happens when you are made to question everything that you stand for? Can love really conquer all?

Deeksha Bhalla is a well-balanced girl. Not one for the frills and fancies that usually excite others her age, she has always chosen a book over the movie. A breakfast meet-up over a dinner date. The local pizzeria over a fancy restaurant. The life of commons over the life of luxury she is used to.

But life scarcely lets us have what we want. Tremors in her world shake the foundation of Deeksha's life - tremors named Dev Sanghvi.

Join me on an adventure of a lifetime - with lessons learnt, heartbreaks, tears shed and of course, many a smile along the way - as the Deeksha within you and me comes to life through this novel.


Smriti Menon

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