3. Even After All These Years (Deeksha)

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"Nice to see you, Deeksha", said a deep but soothing voice. Tall, well-groomed and in subtly designer clothes, now ruined by my drink, stood a man – evidently in his early twenties. Biscuit coloured pants, a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, now stained and a blue coat – as a carry on in his right hand – made up his attire. I want to say that these were the things I noticed first, but to be honest, I noticed his shoes. Black, beautiful leather-soled double monks.

For someone with a keen eye for fashion, I couldn't help but internally sigh as I took in his well-put-together outfit before focusing on his face and the words that came out of it. Snapping back to my senses, I continued, "I'm so sorry, I was on the phone and...", I don't know who you are - I was about to say, when I stopped and looked at his face again.

Sharp, angular cheekbones and eyes that could penetrate right through your body and into your soul if they needed to and just the right amount of facial hair without looking like a Neanderthal – basically, not a face I am likely to forget. Trying to put a finger on this person who knew my name, I decided to regather my thoughts and said, "I'm sorry – but, have we met before?", while the man in front of me stood with an almost amused expression on his face.

"Well, not really", came the reply, "At least, not in the recent past, looking like this", he said indicating towards both of us. My silent smile at this remark must have urged him to continue, when he went on. "I believe we have seen each other on and off over the years, though I think the last time we were under the same roof was at the farewell assembly of my batch, nine years ago."

"Oh.. so you're from Divine School too; but the way you said 'Farewell of My Batch' reaffirms that you were not in mine. So either I'm just a terrible person or you should give me better clues if you want me to figure out who you are, on my own," I admitted. The laugh that I got in response was so unnatural for the otherwise prim and proper bearings of this young man, that it made me wonder if all the prim and proper attributes he had on were a façade – just like the ones I had grown up wearing.

"So good to know you haven't changed one bit, Deeksha Bhalla. And though I want to keep you guessing, I'll tell you this – I am from your brother's batch and we were friends in school. I've even dropped by at your place a couple of times many years ago, which I honestly don't expect you to remember," he said. Ah.. a friend of Harsh's. No wonder.

Just as I was about to respond, my phone rang. Of course, it was Harsh and just before I picked up the call, the stranger said, "Well, I need to get going. Have a nice day!" and walked away. I was in shock for my inability to apologize for spilling my drink on this stranger, or even set things right for my carelessness; but I seemed mad at myself for not even getting his name. Even when I absently mindedly heard Harsh telling me to meet him at the car in five minutes, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was someone I wanted to meet again – the stranger who had left me and vanished into the crowd, just as unceremoniously as he had appeared from it. 'Did he leave the moment he saw Harsh's name on the phone?' a quiet voice in the back of my head nagged. Scolding myself for overthinking, I began walking towards the parking lot – but couldn't get the nameless man out of my thoughts.

In all fairness, I admit that my interest had been piqued. This man knew quite a bit about me, had apparently been to my house too – and how could I not know him? Moreover, not giving me his details, not even a name, for crying out loud!! I could see a challenge in front of me, and I smiled as I walked back to my car, ready to bombard Harsh with all my questions.

I was going to find out who this stranger was and how he seemed to know me, even after all these years.


Hey Guys!! 

Couple of things:

a) THANK YOU for taking time out to read my work. Yes, you are better than a chocolate chip cookie warm out of the oven

b) The picture above is just a representation of the clothes 'The Stranger' is wearing. THIS IS NOT THE ACTOR OR CHARACTER WHOM THE STRANGER LOOKS LIKE. CLOTHING IDEA ONLY. 

If you've enjoyed the story so far, gimme a vooooteeee!!! 

 Until next time! 

- Smri :)

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