35. Undeciphered Allegiance (Harsh)

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By the time I had made it to my car, Dee had caught up to me. Just as I opened the car door, with a shove of her hand, Deeksha shut it right back. "You need to talk to me", she said and I barked back, "And since when do I take orders from you?"

"Harsh... Listen to me. Look – I didn't like the fact that you weren't willing to share what happened between you and Alana. I was being petty and I'm so sorry. There is NOTHING going on between me and Dev – hell we've actually met only once, properly, before today. I shouldn't have done that – I'm sorry," said Dee.

I wanted to scoff at this but instead, I let out a long breath and said, "You know what? I'm going to come back, apologize to Sneh and get out of here. I shouldn't have ruined this for her and her potential in-laws; even if I have some major issues with one of their sons."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Harsh", came a voice I least expected. I looked up to see Vishwas standing a few feet away from us, accompanied by Dev and though I wanted to walk away, I knew better than to throw one tantrum at a time. Honestly, I didn't have the energy either.

"I'm sorry, Vishwas – I really am," I said and hung my head low.

"Listen – like I said, you have nothing to apologize for. Your mother told us that you had a restaurant which didn't... work out?" he asked and I simply nodded. "Well, she gathered from your not-so-quiet conversation with Alana that she is the blogger whose post triggered the whole thing", he continued with a chuckle.

"Vishwas – I.. I don't know what to say.. It is not like me to do anything like this.." I stumbled, but he came forward and put an arm on my shoulder saying, "Relax, buddy! It just isn't your day."

Just then, Ma walked up to us and said, "Since I don't see anyone struggling, I am assuming we are being adults about this... yes?"

I didn't know what to say – so I just looked at nothing in particular.

When Dee started with "Ma.." she was cut short by a wave of my mother's hand. "Vishwas, Dev – Welcome to the family", she said in the most serious tone possible, like she had no choice; and just like that, the tension in the atmosphere vanished, with everyone's laughter. Trust Ma to keep it light.

This time though, it was Dev who spoke up. "Aunty – please... we have seen and been through worse. After all, what's a get-together without a little drama?" he asked. In a heartbeat, he continued, "Especially when someone who usually stays away from it is involved, it just gets better." 

'No. Harsh. Don't punch him. No. No.' my inner voice kept saying.

This earned a laugh out of Ma and she said, "Anyway.. It has been arranged that we will make lunch a quick affair after which, Vish, Beta – you and Dev are dropping your father home. Sneha will ensure that Bhaiya, Bhabhi and Diya also have a ride. She may also hitch a ride with you folks."

Turning to me and Dee, she continued, "Umm.. Dots, you will have to figure out whom you're going with" she indicated for Dee to wait before interrupting and continued, "because Sneha suggested – and we all agree – that you young adults should catch up somewhere and 'chill' (making quotes with her fingers) and figure this out." Dee knew better than to argue despite everything else.

At this, Vishwas asked, "But Aunty.. What about Alana and Harsh and you?"

"Oh – Alana will be joining all of you", she said nonchalant as always. "But Harsh and I..." she said, with a knowing smile at me, "are going for a drive. Now." Oh lord!

When I asked if life couldn't get any worse, I meant it as a question – but clearly, the universe took it as a challenge.


Rohini's sense of humour = 100 

Dee was too worried about Harsh's explosion. (Pic Above) Honestly, so was I. I mean, I can totally list at least two instances from experience where someone super quiet (usually) erupted and the results were... catastrophic, to put it lightly! Anyway...

Was it fair? What does Rohini have to say to him? Is she going to reprimand his behaviour? Will she understand? 

Now what? Lol - just wait for it.


PS - I'm a little sick so the next update will be a little slow. Sorryyy!!

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