22. Of Plans And Actions (Deeksha)

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As Dev walked out of the door after his playful flirting with Nair Aunty, she stood laughing, watching him go while I returned to my hot chocolate and now less furious scribbling in my notebook. I had been jotting down ideas for décor since it was evident that there was a need for styling in this place. Soon, I was joined by Nair Aunty at the table and she asked me in a gentle voice, "Are you alright, dear?"

Flattered by her concern, I put away my book and pencil and turned to her. "Don't worry Aunty. I was just upset with Dev for some of the things he said. In hindsight, clearly, he didn't realize what he had been saying – so we are fine. I accepted his apology and we decided to start over" I explained.

"That's good", Nair Aunty said. With a faraway look in her eyes, she continued, "His mother was also just like this. She was one of the sweetest people in town, but sometimes, she didn't realize what she was saying. This caused a lot of people to be hurt." A little confused, I asked her, "She was...?"

"Oh – most people here know. I didn't realize that you didn't. Dev's mother passed away when he was a little boy. Health issues. I can safely say I am the only woman he considers family – and he is just like my son" she said with a watery smile. "Oh.." was all I could say. "So, don't misunderstand him, Deeksha – the boy has practically grown up with men alone and he may be a gentleman but it doesn't mean he knows how to deal with women."

Not sure what to do with this information, I prayed that we could move to a different topic. To my good fortune, Aunty continued, "But don't mistake his playfulness for immaturity at work! He is a brilliant architect and when it comes to buildings, there is no one better to be doing the work."

"Of course. Speaking of that, Aunty, would you mind if I come and spend a few hours here every day for the next week? I want to design the interior aesthetics in a fashion that reflects the café, its owners as well as the customers. I don't want to do something new which will make patrons turn the other way. And this, I can do only through observations and..."

"Why are you even asking?" asked Aunty, cutting off my explanation. "Besides the customers, having kids like you come and pay us a visit is good for us also. You can come whenever you want. You have full freedom here." Wow - that was very generous. "Thank you, Aunty!!!! I promise you I'll do my best – not because it's my first project; but because I want to."

The ringing of another bell made Aunty excuse herself and I couldn't help smile to myself as I took the last sip of my hot chocolate. Something in the gut told me that this was the start of something significant.



The Nairs are just too cute lol. That's them in the pic above. 

But wait. What will Harsh say to Dee working with Dev? Will she tell him?

OH Gods! 

Let's just wait and watch, okay?

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