76. Consorting With The Enemy (Deeksha)

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(Image - Dev vs Jake Gyllenhaal)

At the party, things went well for everyone. Even me, though personally, I would have preferred it if there hadn't been a girl hanging around Dev the entire time. Of course, I saw him fixing some last-minute decorations as soon as I walked in just before the evening began, but since Ma arrived with the rest of our families, I chose to stick to her - as I do in most social functions.

Harsh and Alana, on the other hand were making a very strange attempt at some barely hidden tentative flirting. The one time Harsh realised that I noticed it, I just rolled my eyes at him in exasperation and sighed. What I couldn't cure, I had no choice but to endure.

A little after everyone was settled, Dev came back into the hall - now dressed to the occasion, giving off very Jake Gyllenhaal vibes. However, he chose to sit with that girl and her pals again and for some strange reason, this bothered me. Just as I was watching them, trying to decipher who they were and what the equation there was, Dev suddenly turned to face me.

Like a deer caught in the headlights, I wanted to look away, but he knew I was staring; so I thought 'What the hell' to myself, allowing a small smile to grace my lips. As always, he returned my smile and in a terrible attempt at being discreet, gave me a once over.

All of a sudden, I felt very conscious of what I was wearing and thankfully, just then, someone at my table drew my attention away from him by asking me what I was up to these days. Maybe I was imagining it, but for a few more minutes, I could feel the stare of someone on the back of my head, from across the room. A very handsome someone who I secretly hoped, would be staring after me.

As the evening went by and Vishwas finally popped the question, the celebrations began. Of course, Sneha said yes and I was elated for her - for them. While everyone gathered to congratulate Sneh and Vish, I got a call from the contractor working on Smile Café, saying that there was a shortage of one of the wallpapers we had ordered.

I stepped into the cool air outside the hall to give him instructions to use a contrasting colour. Just as I finished, though, I saw my brother's boss walking up the ramp that lead to where I was. Having met on numerous occasions in the past, I could safely say we were much more than acquaintances so ignoring him was not an option - especially since being paly with him could work in our favour now.

"Mr Kothari?" I asked, as sweetly as I could!

"If it isn't Deeksha Bhalla!" he said, jovially. If only his reality was congruent to this nature!

"It has been a while - hope you've been well.." I said, shaking his hand.

"Indeed. Yes, I have, thank you. I can see, so have you" he said.

"How was Paris? My brother told me you flew back just a few days ago!" I said, trying to sound excited.

"I wish I could tell you - but I went there to attend to a sick aunt of mine.. So I didn't exactly get to spare time for leisure", he said with a sigh.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry - I had no idea. How is she now?" I asked, playing along.

"Old age and frail bodies aren't exactly quick at recovery. But, she is remarkably better from when I flew in" he said.

"Well - do pass on our regards to her and wish her a speedy recovery on our behalf, please?" I say, sounding earnest.

"I most certainly shall. Thank you for being ever so considerate" he says and I nod in response. "I should know about you courteous Bhallas, though - having worked with your brother for as long as I have!" he adds with a chuckle.

I grin in response and say, "Guilty as charged" before he asks me what I'm doing outside. When I tell him, he remarks that he is glad to see someone who tries to balance work and personal life as well as I do.

Still in the act of being nice, when he offered me his arm, I couldn't help but take it and walk in through the doors of the event. As we entered, the first thing I noticed was that the crowd around Vish and Sneh had become much lesser than when I left them.

However, when I swept my eyes away from them, they landed on a pair of extremely handsome men - namely Harsh and Dev - whose expressions made me go "Oh oh!!"

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