14. Some Things Better Not Change (Rohini)

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Watching your twenty-something children race into the kitchen as if it were on fire, isn't the best way to have them introduced to people, especially slightly snobbish, middle aged high-class women. Nonetheless, I couldn't love them more.

While I was sure this had something to do with food, most of the guests I had with me right then, turned scornful eyes to the behaviour of my children. Some lovely others, merely chuckled and took it in their stride. Although it took another hour of tolerating the less nicer ones for the sake of good, supportive friends, I heaved a sigh of relief when the last of them was out of the gates and I stepped out of the heels I had been wearing all evening.

Since there had been no cries of horror or sounds of agony ever since Harsh came home, I was sure that my children had sorted their little spite out, on their own. Though if it were my choice, I would have told Dee the whole story, I knew that this was not a battle in which I could choose sides. Both of them knew this too – and I trusted both of them to be mature in dealing with it; whenever and however.

Stepping into the kitchen to make sure everything would be ready for dinner by the time Ganesh got home, imagine my shock when I saw Harsh and Deeksha sprawled on the floor, eating chocolates, cookies and of course, cake from the fridge, as if they were the last edible items on earth!! Chocolate spread covered their mouths and Harsh's light coloured shirt now had brown stains that would take magic to get rid of.

While the sensible part of my brain wanted to scold them, I realized that for people who were always close, spending six months apart, even with regular conversations, would be torturous. To add to that, it was not like the two had the smoothest first day back together too!

Crouching next to my supposed toddlers, I declared, "All this is okay – but if either of you refuses to eat dinner tonight, because of binging on all this, I am warning you: You will have to eat the leftovers from tonight for breakfast tomorrow." The look of panic that flashed in Deeksha's eyes was justifiable as I am perfectly capable of staying true to my word. Harsh, on the other hand, said, "Ma. Don't worry – if she doesn't eat, I'll eat her share too!" The chocolate covered grins that shone as they gave each other the stickiest high-five in the history of high-fives, made me shake my head in disbelief.

Watching the kids grow has been one of the most satisfying things, for me. Sure, there were bumps along the way – and some major setbacks. But none of it stayed. And I suppose now, that they couldn't; because we didn't let them. Ganesh and I had been very sure of that, him more than me, most often. Attributes of an entrepreneurial spirit, I tell you!

Looking at Dee and Harsh, I saw more of myself in Harsh than Dee; she has always been, from day one, Daddy's Princess, in more ways than one. Realizing that I had been looking, erm, staring, at them for a while, Harsh slowly held up a half-eaten chocolate to my face and asked "You want?"

At this, I was forced to laugh. If he really thought I would want any of that... he was absolutely right. Taking the bar from his hand, I took a bite while asking them to go clean up before dinner. This would be our first dinner together as a family in a while and I wasn't willing to let the kids attend it in their current state. There was also the matter of cleaning up my once spotless kitchen floor, now covered in crumbs and chocolate smears.

Gathering the necessary tools and supplies, I called out into the no-longer empty household, "HAAARRSSSHHH... DEEEKKKSSHHHHAAAAA. Come and help me clean this mess before you go change!!!"




If I were a mother, I would be Rohini Bhalla!!! 

Isn't she the cutest? :D 

Up there, is an image of Ganesh Bhalla - father of Deeksha and Harsh Bhalla; husband of Rohini Bhalla.

What is the first family dinner going to be like? Any guesses? 

You'll see! :)

See ya! 

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