70. Of Blind Men and Deals (Alana)

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(IMAGE: Alana - what she's wearing through this day)

Walking into Dev's apartment, Harsh takes one look at the flat before his eyes land on Deeksha coming in from the balcony and mutters to himself, "Thank God we're all fully clothed." I shoot him a look of surprise and so does Dev, but from his tone, I guessed it was actually a monologue - not meant for our ears.

On the way, we had filled in Vishwas on all the details of the issue and initially, he laughed at the ridiculous predicament we were all wrapped in. However, both Harsh and I apologized for having been suspicious of Vish and he forgave us. He had promised to go home, change into comfortable clothes and call us once he finished freshening up.

"Al - I'll come back in a bit okay?" Harsh said, snapping me out of my haze.

"Ally - can I get you something to drink?" Dev asks me politely and I shake my head to let him know that I don't want anything. "Okay.. then make yourself comfortable", he says, looking apologetic.

"No problem" I say as I watch Harsh walk towards the balcony where Dee stands at the entrance. After a quick pause, I call after him, "Dev", when he turns around with "Yeah?"

"Dev - the thing is... When you hear Harsh out just now, please do so with an open mind. Things are already all over the place and with Deeksha.. Let's just say she doesn't trust me yet. I just hope you will be able to make sure that whatever all of us choose to do, she doesn't accidentally land up going against what we're trying to achieve? If anyone, she'll listen to you" I say.

"I understand.. And hey, between us", he says with a knowing smile before asking, "Harsh senses the equation between Dee and me, doesn't he?"

I hope my helpless smile conveys to him what I hope it does. Realising he doesn't probably get it, I quietly say, "Dev... A blind man could see that, you know?"

I notice his ears turn a few shades of pink as he looks at me and smiles, but stays neutral in his expression. He looks like he is calculating one of the two options between killing me and something else - and I can't help but wonder how Deeksha puts up with working under a boss like this.

"In that case, Alana, I believe you and I have a trade-off for the Bhallas", he says - only loud enough for me to hear.

I look past him at Dee and Harsh and focus back on what he is saying, which is, "You take care of Harsh and keep him grounded - and I'll take care of Deeksha. At least, until they learn to hold their own ground and this mess is cleared."

"Deal", I say, but I'm forced to ask, "Wait - so you know our.. ummm.. equation.. too?"

"Like you said, Ally" he says turning towards his balcony but looking over his shoulder at me with the slyness of a fox, "some things... even blind men can see."

Author's Note:


This chapter is essentially here only to show you how different Dev is and Alana are, when not talking to or interacting with Deeksha and Harsh respectively. With those two, they are much softer - in general. However, we mustn't forget that Alana is a rising journalist and Dev is a sharp, successful business heir - and hopefully, this chapter gives us a glimpse of who these two are, to the world - and therefore, as associates and relatives - to each other.

Okay then! Having cleared that, I'm gonna go now.

Be back soon!


x Smri

PS - I like the amount of ownership and belonging Dev uses in this chapter, when he says "I'll take care of Deeksha". Like WHHHAATTT?!?!? AYYYEE.

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