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"Ann! I'm home, don't forget chores, got it?" my mother yelled. I couldn't hear her. I never do.

"Ann!" she yelled again, trying her best, but I still couldn't hear her.

She came to my room and opened the door. She turned off the light and I looked over at her.

"I hate when you don't listen," she said. I can read lips, but that was only because my mother never wanted to learn sign language for me.


When I was turning two, my mother called me and I never responded, after a few days it was still a problem. My mother and father were worried about me. They took me to the doctor and found out I couldn't hear. I was deaf. The doctor told my grandma that it would take some time, to get used to.

After about four months, my father left. That's when my grandma moved in. She learned sign language with me. I kept going to classes as I got older and I learned everything. My mother was too busy getting rid of all my fathers things she never actually put in the time to learn how to communicate with her own daughter. We slowly grew apart and I counted on my grandma for most things.


Not long after that conversation ended, my grandma walked into my room.

"Hey honey," she signed.

"Hi Grandma," I smiled at her. She was the closest family member and friend I had.

"What do you say we go shopping?"

"I'm not supposed to leave the house," I look down at my feet. I'm wearing an old dress with my boots. We never had enough money to buy new clothing, so I was stuck with boots even in the summer.

Grandma looked at my boots too.

"It's summer and you don't have any other shoes, your mother will understand," she held her hand out helping me up off my mattress that was laying on the floor.

We sneak out of the house and head to the closest store. The one we always went to.


When we went in I was greeted by Brandon, an older man who looked about my mothers age. Brandon worked there and we always saw him.

"Out on another adventure are we?" Brandon signed smiling as we walked up.

"We need some new shoes," I sign back. He looks at my old boots.

"Follow me," I followed him all the way to the shoe section. Brandon pulls out many shoes in my size. There were these pretty sandals that he pulled off the top shelf. I picked them up. I sat down to try them on.

Grandma and Brandon brought some more over and they helped me try on them all. Blue sandals, white sandals, and many more in different colors.

"I like these ones," I point to the plain blue sandals. Brandon picks them up and hands them too me.

"Perfect choice," he says. He starts to clean up the other shoes and put them back on the shelf.

"Anything else I can get you while your here,"

I look over a my grandma.

"I don't have much money right now," she says to Brandon.

"That's okay, it's on me," he says while signing.

"No you don't need to do th..."

"No really, I want to," We followed Brandon throughout the store.


We ended up buying 1 new dress and a shirt for school. I thanked Brandon and waved goodbye as we headed home.


"Where were you!" my mother yelled as I came in.

"We had to get her some new shoes, do you see those old boots?" my Grandma said defending me.

"She is not supposed to leave! What is he come back!"

"Why does it matter if he does or not?" my Grandma was getting mad.

"He left us because of her! Don't you understand that?" she turned to look at me.

"It's because of you he left. Your father was a coward, he never loved you and he never will!"

"Actually Grace, he does love her. It was you he was scared of," Grandma said.

"You saw him!" My mother was getting angry. I could tell my her face.

"He is my son, Grace,"

"Your not aloud here ever again. Leave Mandy. Now!"

My mother grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room. I looked back. My Grandma was looking at me, her face looked sorry, she turned around and left.

"I'm sorry honey, but you can't see her again. I don't want him knowing you, it's just too dangerous," her face looked calming and I could tell she wasn't screaming anymore.

I nodded my head. Hoping she would leave.

"If you wanted to get new shoes why didn't you tell me?" I was looking down so I didn't see what she said. Whenever she talks to me it's like she forgot I'm deaf.

I couldn't take it. My mother left knowing I didn't want to talk. I watched her shut her room door. That was when I grabbed my backpack. I packed it with clothes and put my new shoes and new dress on.

I looked out the window, seeing my grandma on the side of the street. A taxi coming down the road.

I looked back at my mothers door. I sneaked past and ran for the front door. I opened it up and ran towards my grandma.

She looked back seeing me running. I hugged her so tight.

"Take me with you," I sign.

"I can't. Stay here Jessica. I love you so much, and I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I won't give up. If you stay here I promise I 'll do something. Be good for now, I got to go." My grandmother said she she signed. I hugged her one last time as she got into the taxi and was gone. That was the first time I've ever heard my real name since my father said it to me before he left.

I stood there for a while, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. My mother was standing behind me.

"I'm sorry," she said. She took my hand and walked me inside.

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