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The Anderson's

When we pulled up the house seemed more on the smaller side. The Anderson's were taller and looked serious. I felt nervous walking up to them.

"Hello Ann," they greeted.

"It's Jessica Ann," I corrected.

"Oh, we're very sorry darling," I quickly looked up, smiled and looked back down. McKenzie was behind me so she could translate for me.

"Would we have to have some random person follow her everywhere?" they asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, until you learn sign language yourself." I answered for her.

"Oh, your a good lip reader though right?"

"Yes, I am, but it would be a lot easier on both you and me if you learned sign language." I answered.

"Well, okay, would you like to see the house," I had a worried look on my face.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Jessica," McKenzie signed.

"I think I want to meet the other family," I signed.

"I think we are going to go, but thank you so much," McKenzie said to the Anderson's.

"Thanks for stopping by, hope you come back soon," she said.

I'm not going to lie, I felt a little weird when talking to them. Were they willing to learn sign language for me? They sounded like they didn't want me anymore, but they didn't want to be rude about it. I just hope the Eerigold's are a better fit for me.


The Eerigold's

We pulled up the a bigger house. It wasn't mansion big, but it was big. There were three people standing outside. Mr. and Mrs. Eerigold were standing behind a little boy, who if I remembered, was named Levi.

"Hello," they greeted. Levi looked at McKenzie and me. I could tell he was a little worried.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Eerigold," I struggled a little bit on saying their last name, but they didn't laugh at me.

"Please call us June and James," June said.

"It's much easier that Eerigold," James answered. I smiled.

"This is Levi," June introduced. I read their lips perfectly. They were talking nice and slow for me to understand them clearly.

"I'm Jessica, or Ann," I both said and signed.

"You have two different names? Cool!" Levi said.

"Yeah my father wanted to name me Jessica, but my mother wanted to name me Ann. So they named me Jessica Ann, but when my father left my mother started calling me Ann and that's what everyone called me, so now it's very confusing, so I just go by both,"

"I like Jessica, and Ann, what about if I call you Jessica Ann?" He asked.

"I'd like that," I answered smiling.

June and James were smiling too along with Levi. I'm not lying here, I think I'm going to like this family.

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