Chapter 1

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"Emily!" I heard my name yelled across the hall,
"what is it?" I said
"You need to see this"
destiny grabbed my arm and pulled me to the window I was so confused, once she let go I glanced at the window ,my mouth dropped "it's him" she told me "he came back early"
"I know" I said
I ran outside shoving people out of my way
"Allan!" I yelled excitedly "I mis-" he pushed me aside with his arm, ignoring me completely;
"What?" I asked myself quietly rubbing my head as it had hit the ground from the fall, destiny came to help me up
"are you ok?" She asked
"I-I don't know" I said
"I thought he still loved me but I guess not" I said knowing he was going to pay
"I guess the fame got to him"
"ya think" I said with a sarcastic voice, the bell rang
"sorry got to get to class,love you"
she blew me a kiss
"love you too"
I told her, I went to my class, my favorite class, Science, It intrigued me I loved figuring things out... It calmed me; I walked in the door then stopped took a breath and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was him, the man who shoved me, the man who ignored me, Allan my worst enemy
"you will sit here today miss Tellensen"
my teacher said, I stood there trying not to show how I felt about him, how much I hated him though
"Miss Tellensen" she repeated I looked up at her
I said pretending I didn't here her the first two times
"sit please" she told me "right there" she said, he looked at me like he didn't know me at all, like we never dated like we never... loved each other; I went over put my bag down violently and sat. I couldn't listen, I couldn't be calmed by the one thing that calmed me and I couldn't figure him out.

"So how was school honey?" "Uughhhh mom it sucked like every other day ok"
"ok just asking a question"
"I know I'm sorry I just want it to be break all ready that's all"
"well I got dinner, I got your favorite" she kept talking; I looked out the window of the car and saw Allan making out with a girl in a alley, I would say I was jealous but I wasn't she was setting her self up for failure, he was a jerk kisser anyway I looked down holding my breath,we had just pulled up, my mom said
"ok the food should be he-"
I ran inside and through my self on my bed and started to cry before she could finish. A few minutes later she comes in and says
" honey what happened today at school"
"mom...I can't tell you"
with a scratchy voice
"why not?"
"It's to hard".
The door bell rings
"oh that must be the food"
she said when she left I grabbed my phone and called destiny
"hey dust",
that's what I called her,
"I need you to come over right now" then I hung up.
First chapter done! Well if you are liking please vote, comment, or follow! And definitely keep reading! Stay tuned!

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