You woke abruptly, the sun just hitting your eyes through the gap between your pastel curtains. You rub your eyes and slam your arms back down onto the grey silk sheets and sigh harshly. It was a Monday morning, which meant you had to open up. You worked part-time in a cute little cafe on the corner of the estate called "Topped Off" but on Monday's, you started early and didn't get off until your boss arrived, which was whenever he wanted. You have a strong relationship with your boss, his name was Lucian, a very unfamiliar name, but you liked it nonetheless. You rose from your resting place and dragged yourself to your bathroom, your hair was slightly greasy from the late night you'd had with your friends, you were tipsy and just wanted to sleep. You showered which took a good half our, then fished for your uniform in the dryer that took another 10 minutes because you dragged everything out, and your roommate, Lia Hyun always stuffed her washing where she could. "Ugh this girl and her things seriously!" You slam the dryer door shut, clutching your towel, it was only 8:34 and you had to open at 10:00. You finally get into your uniform and style your hair into a pony and stuff your hairnet into your pants pocket.
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(Imagine yourself here 🤧) You thought your uniform was cute, the apron wasn't too much. It was just gone 9:10 and you still have a 20 minute walk to the cafe, so instead of calling a taxi, you decide to walk, burn some calories. •Time Skip It was 9:40 just as you arrived and there was a familiar face on the bench, waiting for the cafe to open. It was a fairly old man in a brown checkered suit carrying a long stick in his hand. "Good morning Lee Y/N" The man turned to face you, smiling brightly. "Good morning Mr. Kim" you reply, whilst unlocking and pushing up the shutters with a long pole from a little crack in the cafe wall. Ye old man rose as you jingle the keys to unlock to door. "You're early aren't you? You've still got 15 minutes before opening." Mr Kim started. "Early bird catches the worm" you smile politely, internally cringing. You both make your way in, you flick the cafeteria area light on and Mr Kim sat down in his usual place by the window. You went into the back area, removing your coat and hanging it up, in exchange for an apron that you tied around your small waist and shoved a notebook in one of the little pockets. You came back out and Mr Kim had already made his order. "Could I have a large black coffee please? And a bacon and egg bagel? Thank you, dear" You scribble it all down before you forgot and chucked bacon in the oven while watching over eggs in the frying pan. You sit on the little stool behind the bar and sigh, it was only 10:00 which meant people could start to come in but nobody really did unless it was karaoke night. That was Thursday nights, you got off early then, what a relief. You take your phone out and clicked the contact 'Lia Hyun'. New message To: Lia Hyun You really need to stop taking my washing out and replacing it with yours, my uniform kinda stinks. x You smiled before you his send, turning over the bacon and removing the eggs, onto a bagel bun. Before you got a text back right away. New message From: Lia Hyun Your uniform gonna stink either way. And besides, I don't know how to use a washer. x You mentally face palm at her reply, not bothering to text her back, 'cus that's what gets to her most. You shove your phone in the other apron pocket and take the cooked bacon, preparing the bagel, you turn on the coffee machine while it's cooling and finish his order, you place down the bagel on his table when the door opens and you turn to say your compulsory "welcome" when you squinted your eyes shut instinctively and you feel scorching coffee on your body and hear the smashing of cups. "Shit"