☾ Four

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"Smoking is bad, you know." Namjoon came from behind, hand in pockets just glaring at your cigarette you'd just lit.
"You owe the cafe 1 coffee cup." You sarcastically replied.
"I said sorry." He gave a solemn look towards you and looked at the floor, you felt bad.
"I was just joking" you reply, patting his shoulder playfully.
"I know, I know." He kept looking down, his glasses sliding down his nose.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm great." He looked up and smiled a dorky smile, which made you weak.

You took one last drag of your cigarette before dropping and grinding it between your foot and the floor

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You took one last drag of your cigarette before dropping and grinding it between your foot and the floor.
"Well, I'll see you around, Namjoon."
"Wait, I didn't get your name?" He stopped you before you took another step.
"Lee Y/N" you reply, turning on your heel and heading for home.

• Namjoon's POV
He was left alone, he looked down at his feet and smiled, a dorky, soft smile. "Lee Y/N".

He arrived home again, turning his key in the apartment lock.
He opened the door and looked straight towards the cabinet, the shards of remaining bowl had been cleaned away, he still felt a tad bit guilty. But in its place was a small cactus wit "Hoseok" in messy sharpie on the pot. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, closing the door behind him.
"Namjoon, you're back, we thought you were upset." Hoseok sat down on the sofa next to Namjoon, giving him a 'worried mother' look.
"No, no I'm okay. I just went to the cafe and destroyed it a little bit. We kinda owe them a coffee cup." He harshly inhaled and looked towards Hoseok who had a 'wtf' face on.
"You really dropped your cup? You're so clumsy Namjoon."
"More like I slammed into one of the waitresses with boiling coffee on her tray." He started to pick at his nails.
"Damn, was she alright?" Hosoek leaned back, scrolling through TV channels.
"She seemed pretty alright, she's pretty independent, cleaning up the mess I made."
"That's what you need, a woman to clean your destructive mess. Me and Yoongi are breaking out backs cleaning up your mess. Plus you're always spending money replacing things. Like those expensive glasses" Hoseok emphasised expensive and Namjoon cringed.
"I didn't mean to, my grip is just a bit, harsh? Where's Yoongi anyway?"
"He went out to buy more equipment probably"
"Ah." Namjoon spoke.
There was an awkward silence for a minute then Namjoon got up and walked towards his room.
"Okay, bye then." Hoseok mumbled to himself.

He lay on his bed, the back of his leg rested on the others knee. Scrolling through Instagram.
He liked continuous amounts of female idols posts, such as IU, Twice and it reminded him of you. So he searched you:

 So he searched you:

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