You finally make it to Namjoon's flat, almost forgetting the number and pound the door.
"Yah? Y/N? What's wrong? Shouldn't you be in the cafe?" Hoseok asked, concerned.
"Where's namjoon?" You panted.
"Ah~ He went for a walk. He usually does that when he's stressed."
"Where does he usually go?" You ask
"The big park. North of here?"
"Fuck me how can he walk that far? Thanks Hobi."
"Ooh, a nickname, I like it"
You walk back downstairs and out of the heavy doors.
"The park.. the park.." you kept walking North. You'd never been to this part of town before. Not on your own anyway. Heard it's not that...pleasant.
You found a nice looking group of Asian/English boys and decided to ask them for directions.
"Excuse me?" They carried on loudly conversing.
"Ex— cuse me?" You felt yourself go red.
"Hey pretty lady." One of the tallest, broadest boys started. "What's a petite like you doing here?"
"Actually..I'm looking for my frie—"
"Your friend? He'll probably be dead in an alleyway right now." Another boy approached you, towering you. Was that a joke?
"Why dont we help you look?" They all crowded you. Playing with you. Touching your hair, and your waist.
"Get off me." They didn't listen. "Get the fuck off me before I toepeck you right in your scummy drug-filled throat." You instantly regretted that.
"Oh. Short-stack is speaking up." The tallest pushed you back against the wall
Was this how you was going to die? Against a wall smelling of weed and piss?
He tried to kiss you and you pushed him back away, with a slap.
He looked at you with a menacing face and gripped your face abusively with his right hand, forcing your lips to pout against his.
You could feel your tears streaming down your cheek.
"Let go of me" You wept.
"They all cry. You know. We still get what we want."
"And you want to abuse and take young girls virginity? In an alley?" Came a familiar voice. It was blurred, your face stung from the way he gripped and slapped you.
"And whats it to you you little chink?" The guy asked him
"Your friends are chinks too you little chav." The man came closer revealing his face. Namjoon.
He went wide eyed as he saw you. Expecting he'd leave you to get raped by lanky scumbag, his fist clenched and nodded his head, for you to move while you could.
You snuck from behind him. Into a crowd of bushes.
"You probably have like 6 accidental children by now." Namjoon scoffed and walked off, towards the crowd of bushes to meet you.
"y/n? What are you doing in the North? You were lucky I was here." He delicately touched your red face and wiped your tears away.
"I came to find you. And apologise for what I did."
"Not here." He gripped your wrist, leading you to an isolated part of the park.
"Before you say anything, Y/N. I know I probably rushed it. And that kiss. That kiss didn't mean anything. I'm sorry. Like you said, we're just friends."
Fuck. Did he just friend zone me?
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I thought he loved me? bItCh
"Yeah. Yeah, him I just wanted to say I'm sorry for taking off so soon." You felt your heart shatter.
Single mother on the dole here I come.
"So. Why do you come here?" You began to make conversation
"To think." He replied, picking at his nails.
There was tension again.
"Are your legs okay?"
"They're healing."
Awkward silence.
"Well. I better go back to the cafe..."
"You left the cafe to come here? For me? Aww" he pulled you into a hug. You were really confused.
Once again you didn't hesitate to return the hug. You felt safe in his arms. You just wanted to cry to him. You wanted to tell him you loved him
But you were just friends.
"Yeah. I'll see you later." You walk away, tears running down your face again. You didn't exactly know why you were crying, you just knew you had to let them out.
"Y/N, you're back." Melissa ran up to you and hugged you "what's wrong? Why're you crying?"
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Turns our Jungkook was third wheeling with Taehyung and Lia.
"Will you all stop fussing? I'm fine!" You storm into the employees area and sit at the little wooden table, head in hands.
"My life's a mess." You spoke to yourself. "Why am I getting worked up over boys? That's Lia's thing."
"Oh. Is it now? I usually just shag and bag but yeah. I have my problems now and then." Lia walked in.m, careless of the employee sign.
"Oh. Sorry hey Lia"
"Now tell me, what happened with that Namjoon?"
"He friend zoned me" You weren't afraid to tell Lia anything, she may be a hoe, but you could trust her.
"Oh.. really? I thought he loved you?"
"So did I." You shrug. "Oh well."
"Girl he fucking with your mind. You gotta cut Him off" Lia exited, returning to Taehyung, who pecked her cheek and cuddled her from The side. Lmao tae stans r triggrd
That could've been me and Namjoon. You thought.
New message: Namjoon 💫 Come to the cinema tonight. We're all going and I'd hate to stay on bad terms with you.
Why do he can friend zone me again? Yes please daddY.
This is as long as I get ;;););) 915 words smh how