Twenty Two

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"What are you staring at?" You ask, polishing the same table for the eleventh time.

"My girlfriend." He replied.

You scoffed.

"Didn't your mother teach you that staring is rude."

"Staring at you is different. It's like the world is-" you cup your hand over his mouth.

"Jungkook and Jin are outside."


"So come on!" You drag him through the kitchen and up a staircase into a small lounging area for staff.

"What are we just gonna bang in the table or?"

You turn to look at him with a disgusted look.

"What the fuck."

You grab a carton of eggs from the mini fridge and open the window facing Jungkook and Jin.

"Eh? Eh~" you raise your eyebrows at Namjoon offering him an egg and he didn't catch on.

"What? You want me to throw it outside? Why?"

"No I want you to hatch the fucker."

You turn again and toss the egg out of the window, hearing Jins loud mouth a moment after followed by Jungkooks obnoxious laughter

"Yah! What is this? What twat throws and egg at me?!" You burst out laughing and Namjoon approaches, taking an egg and lobbing it at Jungkook.

"What the—"

"Ha! Karmas a bitch!"

They both yell at eachother so loud you can't understand what they're saying.

"There's one more egg left." You began

You take it and gesture to namjoon you're gonna throw it at Jin again, he nodded and got up, examining the room for whatever reason.

You turn and throw the egg at Namjoon, yet the door opened and it unintentionally hit your boss. Lucian.


"Shit indeed Y/N! What the fuck are you playing at?"

Oh my shit I've not updated this book in forever and this chapter is just-- welp my phone is broken guys I'm stuck with my mothers for a while so i'll write when I can which is probably never. anyway thanks for all the love this books getting I honestly didn't think it would do this well ;-; tysm ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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