"What do we watch?" Taehyung asked, an arm around Lia. That made you look down between you and Namjoon. Your hands inches apart. You swayed involuntarily and your hand touched his, for a brief moment, you felt happy, you looked back at when you first met Namjoon and you smiled to yourself. You looked back up and he was looking and smiling at you too. "Sorry." You awkwardly smile "Don't be."
"How about Black Panther?" Yoongi started and jimin have a look of disapproval. "Okay okay."
"Let's just watch fucking Jumanji" Namjoon looked impatient but hot as hell
"Jumanji it is Taehyung pulled out his wallet and there was only £18 in it.
"Guys you might have to chip in..." He but the side of his lip and Lia smirked.
"I didn't bring my wallet." Piper Hoseok and Yoongi.
"Typical" Namjoon pulled his wallet out. "Twenty quid." He mumbled
"I brought 25?" You chimed. You knew you had to bring something, in case you felt bad about them spending money on you.
"So altogether we have over £50? How much is 9 adults for The Greatest Showman please?" Lia asked the man at the front desk. Everyone gave her a stern look for changing the movie. "Trust me you'll love it." "That's...Ninety three forty two for adults. Are you all over nine teen?" They all looked to eachother. "Never mind" she walked toward the group. "I have an idea." Jungkook grabbed Jimin by the wrist and Jimin pulled Yoongi with him. "They're sneaking in?" Hoseok whispered "Bright idea, we can't come here and do nothing" Namjoon pulled you and Hoseok, Lia and Taehyung following closely.
You all waited until the man at the front desk had disappeared. Then security changing shifts in the hallways. It was all empty. "Come on then" you and Lia ran down into the hallway. Checking different doors and listening for music. "Shit they're coming." You push Lia into a room and you go with her. Peeping out to see the boys and if they got in. They were gone, and so was the security guy. "Shit Lia they're gone!" "What? Really?" You both walk out. And go into screen 9. Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook were all in there, along with Jin. Who was engrossed in the film. "Stay here I'll find Namjoon and Jimin." She nodded and you walked out.
They must be in the bathroom. You spoke to yourself. Nobody was here so surely you could peep your head around the wall.
You go towards the bathroom and jimin came out. Asking what you were doing.
"Got lost..." you lied. "They're in screen 9" you point to the door and face palm.
"Thought you were lost?..." jimin shrugged and joined the others in the dark room.
You checked to see if he was gone. Which he was.
You peeped your head around the wall separating you and the men's toilets. All you can see is the mirror and anything behind it, cubicles and sinks, and a row of urinals.
Then you hear a cough. You flinch a little but you don't move. Probably already been caught.
Namjoon emerged from the other side of the wall and faces a urinal, you hear him unzip his jeans and pull his boxers down slightly.
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"Shit." You move backwards, back against the wall, facing the empty hallway. You wanted another look ;;) no. You didn't. Yes you did. You peeped your head around for another look, head smashing into a tough get soft surface, it smelled like cologne.
"Yah? Y/N what are you doing in here?"
Ima be an ass and end the chapter here:) STREAM FAKE LOVE AND GET THEM TO THEIR GOALS. Also airplane pt. 2 is like. Kxksejkskkzkx