You watched as she pulled out a knee-length black dress and laid it before you. "You know..I don't think he's going for anything too fancy..." you explain and Lia gave you a bleak look. "That's okay, I won't do your makeup too dramatic then." She took the dress along with a clutch and giggled as she went down the hall and into her room, calling your name after. • You rarely ever went into Lia's room, but now that you did you scanned the room for items you've never seen before. You looked around to find Lia standing at her vanity with a chair infront of her facing you. "Take a seat." She implied. "But it's only two thirty. I doubt he'd be here soon and like you said, not too dramatic, I'm capable of my own beauty thanks." You felt a migraine coming on, you got anxious as you realise it was 2:30. "Don't be a bitch." Lia scoffed. "Just once, please~ then maybe you'll hit it off with Namjoon and I can date his hot friend" You rolled your eyes and darted them back to her "How do you know he's got hot friends?" "His name is Namjoon. Now sit" you have in, sitting on her chair and looking at yourself in the vanity as your roommate tied your hair back. • About an hour later of harsh wiping and beating your face with a sponge Lia was finally into your hair. "I'll just comb it, not too dramatic, remember?" You went to get up and she pushed you back down. "But look, your makeup isn't too dramatic, just let me straighten it at least." She pouted and you gave in, you liked it when people played with your hair. Your hair didn't take Lia too long, your hair is already straight so she just took 5 minutes going over it "Put this on." She threw the dress at you and shoved you into her bathroom. You appreciated Lia's help but what if Namjoon showed up in nothing more than a shirt and jeans? You put the dress in despite your conscience battering "what ifs" into your head. You walk out barefoot, Lia was shorted than you do it rode up farther than your knee but you didn't mind, you walk to Lias floor mirror and you actually looked okay for once
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The makeup was a little extra for you but you'd learn to like it. "Oh shoes!" Lia ran back to her bags and pulled out a pretty formal box. "How about flats..?" Your voice trailed as you knew she wasn't going to let you out without proper shoes.
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They were simple, black, more your style but you didn't own a pair of heels, just flats and trainers really. "I bought these for you because they're so plain They only had 2 sizes left too." "Thanks.." you took the shoes and Lia ran back into her room, you struggled with the straps when you got a message you went to read for it when Lia came back out screeching, throwing a clutch purse at you. The migraine came back for a brief moment. "You look so pretty" she smiled as she admired her work of art. "Thank you." You hold the clutch under your arm and you check your messages. Namjoon was close, you started panicking and mentally doing backflips. You felt as if you tried too hard, like you should just change into jeans. "I'll just wear jean—" the buzzer for your apartment rang and you froze "How romantic.." you mumble as Lia answered the phone. "Is this Namjoon? I've heard so much about you! Come up!" You immediately intercepted the call. "I'll come down." Was all you said before hanging up. "What the f—" you put your hand over Lias mouth. "Don't get involved. Okay? Remember last time?" Lia giggled as she replayed 'last time' in her head. "Thank you, gotta love you and leave you now. Bye!" You smiled greatly, your pearly white teeth was all Lia saw before you close the door behind you.
Lmao this dates in like 4 chapters I'm just the worst 💕 Don't forget to vote and comment