Next task: Stairs. You didn't think this through properly. There was no lift in your shitty flat and you were quite close to the top. You didn't feel like removing them and putting them back on outside to you clung onto the stair banister for dear life, taking baby steps. You finally made it to the bottom after like 6 minutes of struggle and made it to the door, you opened it and there stood an impatient Namjoon. "You took your time" He furrowed his eyebrows cutely at you. "I thought you said not too dramatic" he smiled, eyeing you. "Thank Lia." You rolled your eyes and looked down at your feet, they were hurting already. "Come on then" he held out his hand for you to take in case you toppled over the step, but instead, he used you for balance as he tripped himself over. You just scoffed and made your way to the taxi. • The car ride was silent, the driver asked uncomfortable questions, he thought you were a couple. That made you uncomfortable, you knew you should've went casually, Namjoon wore black knee ripped jeans and a black polo shirt. You felt like a try hard. You were going as friends also. That just made things worse. You just wanted to go home to your bed. • When you arrived you realised it really wasn't that fancy.
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This just secured that you two were just friends and nothing more. "Bon appetite" Namjoon chimed You just chuckled sarcastically. You appreciated him, and his efforts, but you looked like you were ready to go to a ball. But lost your way and ended up here. • Namjoon let you pick a table and you hose the one furthest away from the queue of people. You felt eyes all over you as he went to order you felt so awkward. He came back over with the tray and you were scared he was going to trip, he didn't, instead he rushed the last inch to the table to make a clear escape from his clumsiness, and his wrap went flying, you caught it before it hit the floor and put it back on the tray, he gave you a reassuring smile and sat infront of you. "Thanks for this Namjoon" you smile "No problem. Anything for my new friend" Ouch. Not that you were fussed. Pff. "So I couldn't find anywhere luxurious within my budget as I owe my roommates ornaments of all kinds...but.. "It's okay I like it." You lie. Not wanting to sound snobby. You'll just have to learn to love his simple mind. "So I brought you here really to thank you." Your heart started picking up its lace when his voice deepened into a masculine whisper. "Really?" You turned your head from the window to him. "What for?" "Well like I'm a clumsy bastard—" "Don't say that" you cup a hand over his mouth. "Well. Like I'm very clumsy, and it gets me down sometimes, you've always been there for me, thank you. For cleaning up my messes and not going crazy when I scorched you with coffee." He went on and you interrupted. "I replaced that cup by the way." You smile from behind your card cup. He just shook his head "I said I was sorry" you just smiled wider and ignored his remark. "Anyway." You broke the silence you made "do tell me about your hot friends." You twirled your hair and fluttered you eyelashes jokingly and Namjoon has you a blank look you couldn't read. "So I take you here, pay for you, and you want to talk about my friends?" "" You felt embarrassed "Y/N I'm just kidding you look like you're gonna cry." He peeped his head beneath your hair, and for a moment you glanced at his lips, there was tension between you two and you pulled away. "Anyway.." Namjoon began. "I wanted to say thank you for cleaning up my mess and dealing with me I know I can be a handful. But you're still here. For now. Thank you, Y/N, no matter how down or I have problems, I know who to call." He looked at you. He kept looking at you. Your head started to lean in uncontrollably. He leaned in too. And as your lips briefly touched, their was an alarming sound. "Y/N? Y/N!" You wake up. "What do I always say about sleeping in? It's 1:45!" Lia balled at the top of her voice. She stormed out and into the living room. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "That was all a dream? Fuck."
Yeah you can stop reading if you hate me for this :) CAN SOMEONE BUY ME 02 TICKETS TO SEE BTS PLEASE THEYRE IN EUROPE I CANT 😭 Don't forget to vote ✨ Chapter 10 when I have motivation.