Note// I'm not continuing the story!! :(

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Hey everyone!! I really do appreciate all of the votes and comments and reads!! But I just can't continue this story anymore. :( it's not because of any of you guys it's because I can't keep up with it, I seriously don't know where it's going or how it's gonna end. I'm way better at writing bromance stories because I have more of an imagination when I write them.

I know some of actually enjoyed this story and some I you probably gave up on it because of my lack of interest in updating it.. I'm sorry and I know there was no excuse for it, it's just that I don't like updating it because every time I do I feel like it's not good enough and that's it's not gonna get anywhere.

But, I will leave it up here just so you guys could still look at the chapters and stuff but I warn you that I might be deleting it or I might continue it if I have an idea of where it's gonna go, but I know that I probably won't so this may or may not be the last of the sex tape..




(This is not necessary but I just wanted to do it one more time on this story!! 😄)

Lily ❤️❤️

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