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When God breathed into Adam's nostrils, He gave him the breath of life, in turn giving him a portion of His spirit. Adam then became a living soul. Because of God, we have been given spiritual gifts to use for His glory.

When we accept Jesus into our hearts and receive the Holy Spirit, we can use the spiritual gifts God has given us.

Joel 2: 28 tells us that:

It shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

In the day of Pentecost that prophecy came to pass, it was a promise to all generations. Our spiritual gifts exist within us because God breathed them into us, without repentance.

Romans, 11.29 tells us that:

For the Gifts and Calling of God are without repentance...

Only after the fall of man was repentance required.

The devil knows the gifts are given without repentance and can manipulate them until we do repent. Through repentance and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior and the infilling of the Holy Spirit can spiritual gifts be activated and used for His Glory.

Once activated, whether by the Holy Spirit or by demonic influence, we can then see their manifestation.

Who do you allow to guide and use your spiritual gifts - the Holy Spirit, or some demonic influence?

You may believe that your great-grandmother passed along spiritual gifts to you, or someone in your family.

Those ancestral gifts that you have received have been used by the dark side if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart.

Satan mimics almost everything God gives or does. Thus, he takes those spiritual gifts and uses them for his purposes. If influences that reject God uses our spiritual gifts, they are open to destruction by demonic forces.

Satan knows humanity was born with a desire to embrace spiritual awareness. There are many books on the shelves teaching people how to get in touch with their inner selves, worship of angels, astral projection, and insight into the spiritual world.

He uses our sinful nature against us because we believe we are the source of our power, which comes from our will. Therefore, many don't believe God gave us our spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit. They convince themselves that indeed they are created in Gods image and are self-contained. Therefore, whatever their minds conceive, they can create. And being gods can enter the spirit world whenever they want to.

We cannot be ignorant of Satan's devices, whose goal it is to kill, steal, destroy and distort our God-given spiritual gifts. Learn to recognize the enemy when he comes, intercede with spiritual warfare, and help others use their spiritual gifts and talents.

Since we know our children's potential and spiritual gifts, Satan does as well. From the day of conception, he devises a plan to destroy the gifts.

The first attempt is to kill the child, then that gift within the child that would change the world or expose Satan for who he is would also die - such was the attempt to kill the newborn Jesus.

Had Herod succeeded then God's gift of salvation to humanity would have been destroyed. If Satan can activate such a plot against our Savior, he will do the same to our children and us, who are destined to bring salvation and deliverance to the world.

Other ways ungodly gifts can operate is by opening doors to the occult - such as the tarot, seeking mediums, practicing witchcraft, out of body experiences, and soul ties to possessions, etc.

One ungodly gift is to put curses on people. Our tongue has the power of life and death in it; that is why it is so important to be careful what we say to ourselves and people.

People who choose this kind of life and use their spiritual gifts for ungodly purposes are those who have felt abandoned (sometimes right from birth), neglected, useless, feel they could do nothing right in life, feel unworthy, and therefore feel that life is not worth living.

Because they see themselves as different, unlovable, and an outcast, they are then plagued with suicidal thoughts, and to experience recognition, and acceptance they turn to the dark arts.

When people feel set apart from family, and society their actions and behaviors can be seen experienced in negative ways - anger, hurt, fear, rage, envy resulting in more rejection.

They often turn to criminal activities as a way of acceptance and to get back at a society who has deemed them worthless.

God sees us differently. He sees us as broken vessels fit for the master's hand to sculpt us in the way he sees fit - then He can use us. In God's kingdom, we are all wanted, and we are all His children.

If adopted children meet their biological parents, there is a reason this happens. There are no coincidences in life; everything happens for a reason.

When bad things happen to us in life, God can take that and turn it into something good. We just have to look and see how God has turned it into a blessing.

In my case, I was not raised with my biological family, and this allowed me to grow up with a family member who was serving the Lord.

I have come to realize that by taking me from my biological mother and putting me in a home with spiritual values allowed me to acquire a strong foundation in the Word of God.

I would not have gotten it had I remained with my natural mother. God has allowed me to meet my sisters and brothers to help some of them and to guide them to truths and to use wisdom to speak to them. God used my unconditional love to reach them as a shining light in their world of darkness.

Revelation of Truth

I have made you a messenger to send my Truth to all nations. I use your determination, and persistence to spread my truths, my love, and power to all who will hear my voice. I will send you out to many more nations to teach my Truths.

I look upon the heart strings to see what makes you worthy. My blood sacrificed on the cross and your repentance has made you worthy.

I showed you my cross to show you that I died for you, for your sins and because of this you have been found worthy.

Stand on the Word of God and see the salvation of your King. The enemy attacks the soul, see it for what and who it is and cast him away from you. I have given you weapons against the enemy. Use them!!!

Author Notes:

There are no coincidences in life. Everything has an appointed time, and place when you come face to face with your destiny as a result of your choices.

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