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So many people get stuck in a rut of life and let endless opportunities pass them by. Instead of stepping through the doors they stand in front of them, and mentally shake their heads and pass on by to the next door, stand in front of it and find another excuse not to open that door.

What is that? It is fear knocking on the other side of those doors, it beats too loud, too boisterous, and is just too scary. They are too afraid to open it, so they keep those doors shut, and walk onto the next opportunity, and the cycle continues.

People will tell you they are comfortable where they are, believing they are not fit to enter a different station in life that will give them more self-respect, prestige, and responsibility. So they stay where they are year after year.

The way to overcome those fears is to face that mountain, face it head on. Don't try to enter it through the side, nor the back way, but straight on. You will never overcome that fear that has kept you bound for years until you stop running from it and conquer it.

About 30 years ago I attended a church that encouraged the training of people who had callings on their lives. It was just a little store-front church, but it was known for training preachers, evangelists, missionaries, and singers. Time after time I would not sing any solos, despite singing in my younger years with my brother.

I would sing around my family, and friends but not around strangers.

The enemy of my soul used to tell me that if I opened my mouth and sang from the congregation that everyone would be staring at me and with my self-consciousness that was the last thing I wanted.

This internal battle continued for quite some time right up until the gift of song writing was given to me. Finally, I had enough of this internal battle and told that old enemy since 'God gave me this big mouth to sing with, then I'm going to sing for him.'

I have been singing ever since. Once you decide to conquer your mountain, take a firm stand and that heavy burden of fear will disappear. Declaring your intentions clears the way for faith to operate and God will take care of the rest.

Over the last thirty years, I have accomplished quite a bit with my singing career. I teamed up with a professional musician and singer who trained and encouraged me to strive towards perfection.

I went on to record a song called, 'Proud to be Canadian' that played at the start of some hockey games in Toronto. In 1991 my ex-partner who passed away in 2000 and I, were interviewed on CIAO radio to kick off our new release that featured 'Proud to be Canadian.'

You will never get over your fears until you face them head on. Open those doors and survey the land of opportunity and get your share of what is for you. Let yourself be all that you can be! Develop the talents that are hidden or undeveloped so that you can be a blessing to others.

Let your light shine before men, don't hide it under a bushel where no one can ever see it. We all have gifts, not just for our benefit, but for those who may need to hear our song, feel our empathy, our compassion, that need to heal and need to feel our love.

We are not here to serve ourselves, but our fellow-man, to help those who need our talent, to help enrich someone else's world.

This world is harsh, but we have not been given more than we can bear. All it takes is some action on our part and a prayer for guidance to the FATHER OF LIGHTS.

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