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If rage takes control, I won't be hurt as much...

The dictionary defines rage as the uncontrollable feeling of anger, the violence of anger. When it rules, it is violent emotions out of control. It can be intense passion or fury.

Rage can be used as a self-mechanism to avoid emotional or mental trauma or injury. Rage temporary empowers people with false security. It allows them to deal with the situation immediately. It staves off the feelings of helplessness at the time.

Have you ever gone beyond anger to avoid emotional pain, guilt, and condemnation? Once the rage is gone – then what? Sadness, guilt and a lot of emotional chaos. Rage masquerades – it masks emotional pain and anger, a buff to deal with later.

When we give in to anger, we have opened ourselves for the enemy of our soul to take control. He only wrecks destruction on us, and our loved ones or innocent bystanders. We have allowed ourselves to lose ground. Sometimes it happens so fast before we even realize what has happened.

We find ourselves in the midst of rage. And when it is over, we face the aftermath, trying to figure out what happened.

Rage separates us from the Father, and God cannot abide sin. Just repent and ask God to restore what the enemy has stolen from you and release love, joy, peace and a sound mind to you.

Ask God to show you where you allowed the spirit of rage to take control, and He will show you because you have asked. God is a great teacher, and He wants us to learn from our mistakes so that we can help others who face this same problem. He loves us immeasurably.

For whom the Lord loveth He chastises. The Bible tells us to be angry and sin not. Do not let rage take over your life, for it will only end in destruction. And the enemy of your soul will be victorious in their goal to reap coals of fire on your head.

Revelation of Truth

There is no rage in God – there is chastisement, love, and peace but no rage. In rage, you lose control, and your eyes are not on Me but the situation. Listen for My still small voice – it will guide you to truth, and there will be no rage. Righteous anger is different than rage.

Use discernment for traumatic situations. Don't have discernment, ask for it. Know your enemy and how he works, be ready to recognize when you are in the enemy's camp. Keep your eyes on Me and you will know the truth. My Holy Spirit will, can and does guide you into all truths.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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