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Some of us feel insignificant within our family; we seem to be the last to know anything. Sometimes it looks like we have no knowledge of crucial situations, events, and family updates.

These negative influences have bred fear in those it has affected, leaving them not able to trust anyone and unable to hear or understand what is going on.

To maintain sanity, to stave off depression we must remind ourselves that we are an integral part of our family. We have been placed right where we are for a reason, for each of us have something to give to the family. Maybe it is just more joy, more laughter, and maybe just a little more peace.

We can bring to the table companionship in our unique way. We bring love to the right person who needs it at that moment, and an understanding heart, and not a judgmental attitude to those who need solace and love. Maybe we have been born into a family where we are slow to anger, and this is necessary, perhaps we have an empathetic soul to feel what that one in need feels.

God has a way of setting His light upon the forgotten one, the lowly one, the one the family thinks the least of so that others may find their way to God.

Truth, steadfastness, and persistence reigns for the believer who loves God. Others see these qualities and become jealous, stubborn and let resentment overtake their heart till the only choice left is for God to deal with them.

Revelation of Truth

My blood has set you free, and I have given you the opportunity to get to know your loved ones, it was not a mistake. You are right where you should be, and it was so before the foundation of the world. You are bonded together not just by familial blood, but also by My Blood, through the redemption of sins.

We often see ourselves as failures because our families have tried to tell us we are, but others see us differently. Some can look at the heart and see a great love, and this is the greatest in the kingdom of God.

For God looks at the heart, and only He knows how pure it is, only He knows how determined we can be and how much we love God, despite all the hardships and tests.

Some of these tests have been on purpose, but we make our choices, and we must learn from it through trial and error. But if we had looked at God's Word, studied it and asked for clarification to that which we don't understand, know that God would have given us the answer.

For that which has disabled us, He would have guided us, but free will sometimes put us on a different path. That is why it is important to study His Word, for narrow is the path that leads to Glory, and wide is the way that leads to destruction and heartache.

We have to look at the things which we have accomplished in life; it may look like our children are going away from God, but know that only He can draw them back, but in His timing.

His word will not go void, even when the impossible stares you in the face. They are spiritual beings who are seeking but have not yet found God's deep abiding love.

Keeping praying for your loved ones, for God has not forgotten them. He hears their hearts and their soul cries and will honor your prayers in His time. Right now, they are like iron, being seared in the fire, not yet ready to emerge as a new creation.

Success is not just about material things, for in heaven spiritual things are thought of more highly.

His word tells us to seek the kingdom of God first, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us.

He just wants us to keep our eyes on him, study the Word, pray continually and He will honor our prayers. We are placed in our families to help guide those who are wandering, searching and lost. We are where we need to be; we just must figure out, how we fit in.

As believers, our steps are ordered of the Lord as long as we ask according to His will for our life.

Those who belong to the Father, He cleanses through the fire, through the water, and through the blood.

He uproots us to shake us, and He sometimes must rattle us to make us move, and then settles us on firm ground. He alone uproots the weeds and plants the flowers. Once they come to fruition, then they can be stored.

God's children must be shaken to do His work, rattled to wake us up, and placed on the firm ground. The laborers are few, for they lack the knowledge and equipment to do His work.

Author Notes:

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