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When you look back on your life's journey, you will see areas that shaped your destiny by your thoughts and actions. Were you bullied or abused growing up? If you never dealt with those issues growing up, then they would manifest later in life in one way or another.

Did you feel that you were unattractive in your youth? Did you suffer feelings of worthlessness? Then your soul was damaged! What remains is a broken spirit and a wounded soul. In certain aspects of your adult life, you would see yourself as a failure.

Does fear rule you? Too afraid to take risks, or try new things? When you don't step out and take opportunities when you should, then frustration and hopelessness become your best friend. You make incorrect choices and settle for less because you believe you are not smart enough to be successful. You are not living your potential but settling for far less.

Do you compromise with your children, family, or your friends to keep the peace? Are you settling for less, so you can be in their lives? You tell yourself at least this way they will know I love them. However, in your heart, you are compromising your integrity.

It is the enemy of your soul, Satan, who has expanded your fears and made you believe you were not good enough to handle all situations in your life. Nevertheless, the Lord sees your heart, which cries out to Him for help.

If you are His child, then you have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb and have been bought at a price. The Lord paid the price on the cross for our right to come before the Throne of His Father and ask for anything according to His will.

The Word of God tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new. And it is because of Jesus' blood on Calvary.

Apply the Blood to your life in every area, every aspect of your being, your mind, thoughts, and deeds. He is renewing your mind daily, keep your eyes on Him, stay before Him in prayer, and He will lift you up and set you on mountains, instead of dwelling in the valleys.

Revelation of Truth

Call not what I have cleansed unclean. Your imperfections are my Glory. You see yourself one way, the world another, but I see you multifaceted. How you see yourself is not at all what I created. Those are lies that the enemy has told you that are not true.

The enemy works on others, yes, even family to disrupt you to discourage you so that they can make themselves as the Pharisees, but I see their hearts. They are spotted and impure. Keep your eyes on me and I will make you a brand-new creature in me.

Just as My Blood is redeeming and necessary to you, so is your bloodline in your family. It is the blood that speaks. Just as DNA cells have memory, so does the blood. I have placed wisdom in your heart to help those who are lost and need help. As I reign in your heart, listen to that still small voice in all things and I will guide you to truths. Let me use your voice and people will be set free. I will use your errors to chasten you, for whom I love, I chasten.

Author Notes:

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