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When I first got saved, I believed that God was a stern taskmaster, that I had to live holy to make heaven my home someday. I believed that God was no fun and had no joy. The message of salvation was preached in the old church that I grew up in. With lots of yelling, threats of hellfire and torment.

The love of God was not expressed in such a way to bring anyone to Him. But it did keep fear in the forefront and left the chance to know God's love at a far distance.

They did not teach or preach about God's love. Nor about how much God loves us and is concerned about everything in our lives. Growing up all we heard was how if we didn't get saved we were all going to hell to suffer eternal damnation.

Since I thought I could never live up to living right and avoiding hell, I became a rebellious teenager.

Thus, I did my own thing.

The reason behind the rebellion - I saw no love, felt no love. Thought salvation was for the old folks. So, I kept on doing what I was doing until I finally saw something different -- real love.

Having a real relationship with the Lord in my late teens let me experience joy and peace in my life. I could always feel God's Spirit with me. It was like the river that always flows that we sing about, constant and serene. It became as simple as reaching out and calling my Savior's name and waiting for the answer to my prayers.

When we sing to the Lord, we are precious in His sight for He sees our dedication and determination to please Him. And it does not matter what is going on in our lives. He is there to help us through whatever the difficulty.

When we call upon Him in times of peace, He answers. In times of danger call Him and He will answer. Prove Him for He is a faithful testimony.

Life is a journey that we need to be prepared for because situations can occur without notice. We will travel through the valleys of life, but with each one, we can feel His presence and know that we are not alone.

The key to a victorious life is praying, being watchful, living holy and being obedient to His voice.

God is rooting up those places that have been vacated, harmed, abused and used and trampled on. He is filling them up with His Holy Spirit. He is making clean and pure vessels for His Glory and purposes.

Each time we cry out to God, He is humbling us, for God's Spirit moves in our humbleness. It cleanses and heals us. God can use our determination, persistence and our stubbornness for His Glory.

For these qualities can move mountains in the kingdom of God. God needs servants who will stand to the end.

Revelation of Truth

Keep praying and seeking My face and I will give you more songs to sing of My Glory. Those who hear

will be healed and set free. I have seen your heartache, and your tears and I have heard your pleas to me to hold back songs that I give to you. But I would say to you, be faithful in the small things and I will give you the larger things.

I will give you more and bring that which is not complete to completion. Do not let Satan steal your peace. My peace I leave with you. Look to me the finisher of your faith. I have all things under my control.

You are not a child anymore; it is time to eat the meat of My Word. No more milk for the seasoned warrior. Study, and study some more. As you read My Word, I will open your eyes of understanding. Then I will show you revelations from My Word.

For there are mysteries hidden in My Word that I will reveal to my handmaidens. My mysteries I reveal to those who diligently seek My face with their whole heart.

You have seen troubled waters, and you have walked on them as I held your hand. I have kept you from harm. That which you have experienced before were small blessings and yes, they came with a price. I will bless you more as you continue to be obedient to my voice.

Keep your hand in My Hand. I have even shown you My hand. It is huge and holds the whole world in My grasp. As I turn My hand, I see all things. I hear all things, and I see the cries of My people.

I hear the cries of the just and the unjust. I rain justly upon all humanity, but I long to reign in the hearts of those who call Me by My name.

Keep your hand in My Hand and I will carry you through, and you will know joy like never before. My peace I leave with you, in a world filled with turmoil, dangers, and greed.

Keep your peace with me, put it in My hands and you will never lack for anything.

Author Notes:

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