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Do you feel like you're not like everybody else, and therefore you are aloof and remain distant even though you don't want to be? Have you found yourself set apart from others but not by your choosing? Have you always wanted to belong but never did?

God's Message to Those Who Felt Like They Never Belonged:

God lets us know:

That He has set us in our own place with our own gifts and given us freedom.

He has made us His instrument whereby others can see the difference in us, and as a result, others have come to us and asked us if we belonged to God. He sets His light in us whereby others can see it.

God gives us love, compassion, empathy, passion, and zeal to do His work. The fruits of the Spirit are needed in these last days. Unrighteousness carried out on His children cries out to Him seeking a refuge.

To keep our hands in His hands and He will keep us from the snare of the enemy. He is the Shepherd that watches over the flock, and if one goes astray, He does not forget about it but goes after it.

The Angels in heaven rejoice over one found sheep (one sinner) because He guides His sheep where He wants them to go, and they will follow Him.

He has called us and will not leave us alone so that we can rest in Him. His eyes are everywhere and sees that which is open and hidden.

He is with us no matter where we go – go to the Holy Places, and you will feel Him there. We are a peculiar people and set apart; we are in the world, but not of the world. The closer we get to the Lord we will feel even more peculiar because of His presence in our lives.

We are the Lord's, and we can feel His Spirit in us. He sets us in places where we can talk about Him, does this make us peculiar when we feel compelled to speak of God.

Many will run to us, and many will run from us. Being peculiar does not make us aloof or distant, it makes us God's children. Many walk this earth dead inside because the enemy has them believing this earth is all they have to look forward to. They feel no hope, no promise to come. The enemy has blinded the truth from them. God, however, sets His light in those that He has chosen to set them free.

We are bought with His blood, the cross that He has shown us! Does this make us different? No, it makes us His children for He died for us, gave His life for us that we would have life eternal in Him. Being aloof and distant is not God's way. His way is to love, show love and therefore He is love.

God's love moves mountains and surpasses all obstacles and heals a multitude of sins. We know love when it is real love because He shows Himself to us and through others.

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