Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

They were just in time. Hundreds of air dragons flew descended from the air. Blasting the light dragons with wind so strong they had to crouch just to prevent themselves from becoming airborne.

Arthur smiled as it began. The powerful jaws of the air dragons against the fire and the claws of the light dragons. It was epic. The shining scales against the muted animalist scales. They ripped each other apart. Light dragons lost their heads to powerful jaws and air dragons wings caught fire and were torn apart by razor sharp claws. Riders clashed with swords and arrows. But nothing could beat the might of the dragons.

Arthur held his sword white knuckled and charged into the battle.

He stopped suddenly short as an air dragon's huge body fell from the sky in front of him. Leaving cracks in the ground the wounded beast moaned. It looked Arthur in the eyes. Though it's eyes were ugly and muddy the expression reminded him of Purple Eyes when she had done a similar thing trying to protect him. Regret shot through him. He stroked the Air dragon's face.

Its expression changed to surprize then it rolled back onto its belly and took off into the sky once more.

Its powerful wings forced Arthur to crouch to try not be blown over.

A silver dragon spotted him and hurtled towards him half flying half running. Its fire shot towards him and he had to duck and roll to avoid it. He could feel the heat on his armour but thankfully nothing caught fire.

He stood face to face with the beast. Its teeth were so ready to bite him in half. He slashed out with his sword, looping off part of its tongue.

It screamed in pain but didn't blast fire.

Arthur knew his life was on the line here but he couldn't help but to think back to the air dragon's expression and how it was his fault that Purple Eyes had worn that same expression. That air dragon was doing exactly the same thing; fighting for his cause. And it was wounded, it may even die. All because his dragon ran away from him.

The nasty taste of regret filled his mouth more and more as he dodged and ducked to avoid the silver dragon. But try as he may his heart wasn't in it anymore and the dragon caught him in it's paw.

It picked him up so he was face to face with it's shining scales and gleaming eyes. It was out for blood and it had him.

One second he was face to face with pure anger the next he was with confusion and he was in the sky. He looked away from the silver dragon. A purple dragon had picked him up. Bone Tears and Pixie had picked up the silver dragon and Pixie was fighting the rider on Bone Tears' back while the silver dragon struggled under the purple's grip.

Arthur clung to the silver dragon for dear life.

Suddenly the silver dragon stopped struggling.

"Arthur up here!" Pixie called.

Arthur opened his eyes and climbed the now dead silver dragon onto Bone Tear's back with her and Bone Tears sent the silver dragon's body down into the battle.

"I need to get into that castle," Arthur yelled over the wind that tried to steal his voice.

"Done!" Pixie replied.

Bone Tears with her skilled flying ducked and weaved between fighting dragons to get to the castle. She might have been a younger dragon but she was trained by the purple queen and could use her teleporting powers better than almost all of the purple dragons. She had trained alongside Purple Eyes and longed to see her friend again but didn't dare express that emotion.

Arthur also noticed the skill of the young dragon. He stroked her firm scales "Pixie..." he started she turned to him and he said louder "I want you to come with me... I can't do this alone. I need a dragon and yours is the best around."

Pixie nodded. She would help Arthur but she feared what his request would mean.

Bone Tears landed outside the castle. The battle raged on behind them but the three entered the castle. They were going to find Purple Eyes whether it killed them.

Meow Myths,

Now they're all in the castle, the real battle shall begin! Sorry for the late update I just had a busy week but here it is, dragon fights are always fun :)

First published 24/4/18

Meow for now

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